6- Girl's night.

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"Hello Ms Lopez" he said in his very deep tone. "Gino, what a nice surprise" I can almost feel like he followed me here. "Are you feeling better?" "I am, thanks for asking" I said as Leah cleared her throat. "Hm... Gino, this is my friend Leah, Leah this is-" "Gino Pesi, nice to meet you" They stared at each other and I felt like going. "So...hm, I guess I'll leave you two alone" "No!" Gino said "I'll go now, some friends are waiting for me. They know I recently moved to New York and they wanted to hang out" He said now focusing on me. I looked over and the girl he left the basement with, was waiting for him. Hmmmm.  "Oh I see, anyway I have to get going" "Do you need a ride?" Well, about that...
"No, I'm okay, my car is right here, thanks" "Oh... well, guess I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yeah" "I'll go now, Leah nice to meet you, Jennifer..." I nodded, he came closer and slowly grabbed my face with his big and strong hand and kissed my cheek and then he left. I felt like melting right there sitting in that barstool.

"What was that?" I whispered. "HE IS SO HOT JENNIFER OH MY GOD" "Hush! Lower your voice I don't want him to hear us. He's handsome" I coldly said. "I'll go now Lee, I have to go to work tomorrow and I'm tired. I'll text you so we can have lunch again"
"Ok baby, take care, I love you" we said our goodbyes and each one left our ways.

I arrived home, it was quite, as usual. I live in a penthouse that was given to me by my dad when I graduated. He wanted me to move to New York and I didn't argue him once he told he was going to give me his penthouse, I've always loved it. Even though I live in a very crowed part of the city, at this time of the day all you can hear is quietness, I like that.
I went to the bathroom to take my makeup off and take a shower, I turned on my music, and went in.
I went out drying my hair looking at my reflection in the mirror. This is the moment of the day when I just stay in a place and analyze life. Life and all that has happened to me in such a short time, not a big deal if we compare it to someone else's life, but still a big deal to me. I stared at my naked self in the mirror touching the parts of my body Ryan used to beat, I have a few scars, not a big deal. I touched my face and my legs. A cold sensation took over my body and I quickly got dressed going out to read some mails and drink some tea before bed. I noticed I had a mail from my father.

From: David Lopez.
To: Jennifer Lopez.
Subject: there's a new guy in town.

"Dear Jennifer, I'm writing you to first of all tell you how much I miss you, you should come visit me some time. As you might have noticed now, you have a new partner, we do actually, Gino's parents own one of the most successful company in the United States and they have some in Germany as well as we do, oh and also in Italy. I just couldn't miss the chance to work with them, I mentioned him about you and what you all do there and he insisted on working there. I didn't hesitate of course. I hope you all can work well together. New projects are coming and this guy has good ideas, I know you do too, don't mess this and take all the potential out of it, I'll be noticing you what's coming next soon. By the way, I am sorry I didn't tell you about him before, I love you."

He always does this, he acts and then notice me about it. oh dad. I quickly texted him it was okay. I told him what's happened — not all of it, but the important parts that was me meeting him and assigning him his place. After that I went to sleep.

The next day I went to the office, as usual I grabbed breakfast and coffee before getting there. I could just ask Monica for it, but since I can do it myself, I did. I went in the building scared of that elevator, but thank god, it went just fine. I got inside my office and started reading some emails and preparing some presentations. Someone knocked at my door, I looked up and it was Gino. There he was, wearing a black suit that made his eyes look brighter, they're pretty.

"Yes?" "Good morning, is everything alright?" He sweetly asked. "Yup!" I said and continued working on my laptop. I started signing some papers and the hours went by, it was lunch time. I looked up and saw Gino leaving his office with some woman I have never seen in my life. Then she turned around and it hit me. She was the same girl that was in the basement yesterday. They walked out and Gino winked at me before leaving. I just looked down at my laptop right away. Monica saw me looking and made a face to me "Who's her?" I mouthed being curious. Monica came in. "Her name is Amelia Brown." "And she is?" I asked again, clearly confused. "I have no idea, I just read the little ID she had on" I laughed. "Search for her name, she doesn't work here, but she knows him, I can see that". "Can't you just ask him?" "If I could I wouldn't be asking you to do it" she nodded.
I went to have lunch by myself and then came back to continue working until it was time for me to leave. I left without saying goodbye, just to Monica and then went home. I was dead tired.

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