38- Red Lipstick.

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I entered the apartment not knowing what to do. Not knowing what to say or think. I was blank. Well, not really, but at the moment my thoughts were somewhere else.

This was the first time he put work and specially, another woman. over me.

It's not like we've been dating forever but I felt weird. This was a new sensation Gino was giving me. Kind of the one Ryan used to give me, and then the flashbacks started hitting me.

What if he came drunk and...? No, it wasn't something he would do, but even drunk... Well, the day before he had said that slapping thing...But I know he didn't mean anything bad. But I was fucked. Ryan fucked me up, throughout the whole time I had been dating Gino, I never felt threatened by him, not that I was feeling that way but...

I was overthinking. I just should've gone with him and that was it. I didn't like her and I knew that if went with them, I would have had a bad time.

To be completely honest, jealousy was eating me alive. I couldn't stop overthinking, I wasn't scared, but I was anxious, I didn't know what to do.

I went upstairs and washed my face with cold water and then prepared the tub for a bath.

I got my phone beside me and played some relaxing music while getting inside and just actually trying to calm down.

I was drastically interrupted by my phone ringing. I opened one of my eyes and looked over. It was Leah. I carefully pressed the speaker button.

"Hey you"
"I thought you wouldn't pick it up, i thought you'd be banging on Gino or something..." she laughed.
I rolled my eyes at the thought of what he would be doing.
"It's your lucky night, Gino is not home"
"Oh, why? What is it?"
"He's....being a dick I guess"
"Wait-wh- Gino?"
"Mhmm, he's at some bar with Angela"
"What? Angela as in...his-"
"Don't even try say it"
"Is everything alright?"
"She's being a bitch" I said and she stayed quite for a second.
"Why are you calling?" I tried not sounding rude but, I couldn't help it, it wasn't personal.
"I haven't talked to Angelo, it's driving me crazy. I just don't feel ready"
"What's the worst thing that could happen? You already said you'd have the baby with or without him, just go and talk to him and that's it, if he wanna leave, good, then he can go fuck off, if not, then good too, we have a baby daddy, y'all" I said and I know my voice wasn't at the kindest tone.

"You know...I hate-love when you're pissed, you're straight forward, and don't care if what you say hurt feelings or anything, and that sometimes is what people need to ...you know, action"

I thought she would be offended, but no, it actually helped. I smiled. It made me feel better.

"You're welcome?"
"I'm gonna do it tomorrow. Jen..."
"Please don't screw things with Gino, please"
"If anything gets ruined it's gonna be his fault, that's all I'm saying" I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead.
"Well, you do you. I'm here if you need me, take care, I love you"
"I love you too, Leah"

And she hung up. I took a deep breath and after some minutes I got out of the tub and put on a robe.

She was right, I wouldn't want to screw things with him, he was special, he wasn't just like any other... but then again I have this inner me imagining things that may or may not be actually true.

If anything happened, it was his fault. I was home, alone, doing nothing, well, nothing if we didn't count overthinking and being mad at him. He was out, in some bar, with a girl, and not with any girl, his ex fiancé.

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