34- Plans.

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"I got a dress" she said making Gabriela and I turn around to face her. We were looking for a wedding dress. She said she didn't want anything too big but it had to be gorgeous and if it was possible, it had to had see-through parts.

Gabriela said finding a dress was the hardest thing to do, and it took a lot, if we were lucky it'd take a day, like...the whole day. I love shopping, but when it's for me, but I tried my best to help her and make the process a whole lot easier.

I knew that I wouldn't be working normally, for the whole month we would be preparing things.

I accepted this not only because of Richard, but I really liked Lexie, as a person, she was sweet and kind, she deserved this, and she was definitely in love with my brother. They were happy together and there was nothing I wanted more than to see him happy with his life and all of it.

"Show me" Gabriela said and walked over to her.


I saw it and I knew we would be taking that one. It was exactly how she described her perfect dress. It was strapless and the sleeves had white flowers over a tiny layer of a material you could barely notice, I guess that what she called see-through.

It was beautiful, it was like a mermaid kind of dress but it had like a long ending and was a little ...big at the bottom. It had some diamonds here and there. It was truly beautiful.

"It's so beautiful, this is my dress." She said excited.

"Try it on" Gabriela suggested and Lexie nodded walking inside the fitting room.

"Let me know if you need any help" she said and walked over to me.

"Pretty dress" I said and she nodded. "It really is. It's pricy though"

"Hm, it's okay, she has a very- flexible budget" I shrugged. "How much is it anyway?" "9.000" she said and my eyes widened. "Well, shit that's a lot" "I'm telling you..."
"Does she know?" "I think she does"

By that moment, she opened the door holding her midway up dress.

"Can you guys help me here?"

We both walked to her and helped with the fitting and the zipper. It fitted her just perfect. There was nothing she could possibly complain about, I thought.

She walked over this big mirror and I saw her smiling victoriously. I knew that was the one she was going to be getting. I just could see it on her face. It fitted just wonderful, her figure looked insane on it.

"So?" I asked. She was spinning around and smiling.

"This is my dress"

"You checked the price?" I asked just making sure. She nodded. "My mom will pay for it" "Ohh, alright then" I shrugged to Gabriela and she smiled.

"Well that was easy. Surprisingly easy, leaving us some time to go check on some other things"

It didn't feel weird being with her anymore. It was just a normal thing. I could feel her staring at me occasionally, but it was whatever. It was more like a teasing kind of thing, she knew she could make me nervous and that's why she did it.

We got the dress and as she said we went check on a bunch of other things. Like the color of the decoration.

She decided blue was her color, white and blue it was. Since it wasn't my business I just accepted it, making us, the maid of honors, dress in the same tone of blue. That color was one of my favorites so it was easy for me. Now the big struggle was going to be, picking a dress.

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