57- Something About You.

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"I'll talk to you guys a little bit about her...

I love her...that's a good start...Now a little story...

Everything began so unexpectedly but I like to believe it happened for a reason. She was just there, looking in her purse for her apartment's keys and all this was new to me. I didn't know where I was supposed to arrive. I couldn't find the damn number. Or I was just maybe too tired to function. I looked up and then I saw her. She looked so beautiful, sigh, like if she ever looks bad... She asked if I needed help "you seem lost" she said and I clearly was, I'm talking about something deeper than just looking for a place, I somehow was lost in her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes kinda honey sometimes, and her smile. When she smiled I knew I'd have trouble later on if she was actually going to be my neighbor. After all she helped me with my situation and I realized my apartment was in front of hers. When she said goodbye and walked away, I felt like stopping her but I stopped myself and calmed knowing I'd have another chance on another time. I went inside my apartment and there was anything else in my head but her. Her sweet smile. Her gorgeous face. The next day I went to my first day of work and when I got in the elevator it suddenly stopped and there was a woman in front of me who was actually in shock. I didn't know what to do. Too many people around. But she was the only affected. I moved closer, she was now hyperventilating in a stuck elevator, and well, we all know she could've passed out. I held her in my arms before she could even do anything else and then I realized who she was. The same girl from the night before. Well, there was my chance." We all laughed at that, he bit his lip and made a face.

"She was pale yet she was the most beautiful human being I had ever seen in my life. She was sweaty yet it was the sexiest thing. She was losing her breath and I thanked god we weren't alone. I saw her trying to talk but she didn't actually form words. I went even closer and then we started talking. When my arms held her I knew there was something else. Something other than just two strangers touching. After we shared those minutes inside that elevator I carried her to the restroom and there I actually introduced myself. She couldn't believe it was actually me. She was very surprised you could tell. She fixed herself and we walked to her office. There I assured this whole situation was going to be trouble. The days went by and I swear I was falling in love with her by every second that passed. That thing people talks about "Love at first sight" you mock them and make your point clear that it's all bullshit, but why is that? That's because you haven't actually found the right one, another line you heard and gag, "the one" I didn't even know what it was until my eyes met hers, she smiled and then looked down but after some seconds, she looked up again and noticed my eyes were still on her, then her teeth bit her lower lip.

Let's just speed this up a little bit and jump to the time we made our relationship official. I've never seen someone with their eyes as bright as hers the day we finally set everything up. She couldn't stop smiling and it was a mix of sweetness with hotness and prettiness. I felt so lucky right there. I should probably talk about that feeling I get every time I kiss her lips and then we pull away and I see her smiling, it's just, out of this world. I could write a whole book about her smile. I love her, every single thing about her, everything. It feels so good. I don't think those three words are enough.

We've gone trough a lot, seriously, a lot. Every possible thing you could ever think about. But look at us...here, together and stronger than ever. With two babies on the way and a lifetime ahead of us."

He started walking closer to me and then continued talking.

"God...I just, don't know what did I do to get so lucky...I bet it was something big, really big, and I'm so thankful for that, I'm thankful for you and everything that comes after..." he then held my hand and kissed it. "You have no idea how happy you make me, how amazingly proud I am of you and how deeply in love I am with you. There has always been Something About you, that I'm just deeply, truly, madly in love with. I've learned how to love more than I thought I was able...And they say that, if you like it...then you should...put a ring on it, right?"

He said and took out a blue velvet box and opened it showing a beautiful diamond ring. I was in shock. I can't even remember what was going through my mind. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh or scream...what was happening? He grabbed my hand and then said, "That last part was a little cliche" he laughed a little, "I love you beyond words and I would be more than the happiest and luckiest man on earth if you did this, so...Would you marry me, Jennifer?" and then it hit me like a truck. The biggest one. "Oh my god" I don't know I think I screamed. I looked up and then into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes that I get lost into every single time and then squeezed his hand, "I would be the happiest woman if so...I love you so much...that's straight up yes" I said and my voice was almost cracking at the end.

I said yes to someone I love and I know that loves me just as much in return.

I said yes to someone I know would do absolutely everything for me.

I said yes to that someone that makes my life a whole lot easier.

I said yes to the father of my children.

I said yes to the opportunity of loving again.

I said yes to new experiences.

I said yes to giving a try at that thing we all desperately look for called love and the other called happiness.

I guess you'll never know the feeling until you experience it.

I saw him taking a deep breath and then placed the ring on my finger. I made him help me stand up and I hugged him. That's when I started crying and everybody was clapping. I felt my back getting wet by some drops falling down on it. When I pulled away I saw him teary and that really made me cry even harder. What an emotional moment.

You also see these kind of situations only happening in movies and you pray that one day you could get to feel the way those women are feeling. When it becomes real you don't even know how to feel. Your mind can't take such a big deal sometimes and it's the most beautiful thing in the world. To be loved the way someone like Gino does, is to actually be the luckiest person in this world. As cheesy as it might sound that's just the truth. You think you're never going to go through something like this, but that's why they say, never say never.

Life is a roller coaster, you one day may be down, the lowest, but then it's all the way up and it doesn't stop, so for as long as it might last, let's enjoy the ride.

the end.

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