39- I'd never.

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"Ms. Lopez, let me help you" he helped me with my suitcase. "Thank you, Henry" "So where am I taking you?" He asked getting inside the car.

"My mom's" I said and he started the engine and not too long after we entered my mom's house.

"Just leave the suitcase there, I'm leaving early tomorrow, and what I need I have it inside my bag" I let him know and walked inside the house with my phone in hand. Gino didn't text me or call me and I was grateful. I was not in the mood to deal with any of that.

I walked inside looking for my mom and I found her in the kitchen.

"Hey ma" "Baby -hm, how are you?" "I'm alright, been better" I said not actually paying attention and opened the fridge grabbing a bottle of water sitting on a barstool.

"Everything's alright?" She asked softly looking for my eyes. I looked up at her and sighed. Not being sure if I should bring the subject up, I knew that if I told her anything bad about Gino, she would never see him the way she's been seeing him and that...I didn't want that.

"Yeah, I'm just tired" I made it up. "Where's Gino?" "He's working" "He's not coming to have lunch with us?" She asked worried and then I remembered I had plans to go have lunch with her. Shit.

"He's busy...but I'm here and that's what matters" I gave her a side smile. She smiled back at me. "I know, I'll go get ready" she said. I checked the time and it was 1:09pm.

All I wanted to do was sleep. I was tired and pissed. I knew once I was done with my little attitude, that was it, I would want him back and all that. I just needed to get over the fact he put work and Angela, over me. That couldn't happen, work, maybe, but her? No way. If she wasn't such a bitch, maybe it would be okay, but she was beside from all that, his ex fiancé.

And the fact that he let her kiss him. I was sure it was all on her. Gino wouldn't do that. She was jealous and I bet she thought that could end our relationship. Maybe it could cause us a little trouble, but I wasn't going to let her end us. I was mad and all, but I loved him more than I've ever loved someone, he made me feel good and I just wanted him with me.

My mom walked downstairs and we headed to this Italian restaurant she loved. Yeah, Italian...like if I haven't had enough.

We sat down and a short brunette followed us handing us the menus.
I traveled my eyes through it trying to find something to eat and a few minutes later something caught my attention, I heard a familiar voice, "No way". I whispered looking up frowning and then I saw him walking towards us with this big and bright smile.

"What are you doing here?" I asked trying to play it cool, because my mom was there. "I thought you were working?" I added.

He was going to answer but my mom stopped him, "I texted him the address just in case he would want to come over" she smiled brightly and moved her hand ordering him to sit...beside me.

Of course she did, she had to text him. I got even more pissed but I wasn't up to make a scene.

He sat down and placed his hand over my thigh. I gave him a fake smile and moved his hand out of my thigh.

"What are you having?" He said and I just keep my eyes on the menu. "I don't know"

The waitress walked to us and my mom started ordering. 

"Bring it all together. I don't wanna finish my drink before my food" she said and closed the menu nodding at me.

"Hmm, I will have the same wine she ordered and- Fettuccine Alfredo"

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