Chapter 2

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It had been one week since Audrey had sent her resume' to Spain.  She had received the customary "Thank you for your interest. We will contact you if we need anything further" auto response and she was sure that they wouldn't be needing anything further. Still she couldn't help but think to herself that there was really no harm in trying.  A small part of her was actually hoping that this could lead to something.

As she walked into her office, the phone on her desk started to ring. Setting her things down, she answered it. While talking to the gentleman on the other end, who was volunteering for an upcoming fundraising BBQ, she saw her cell light up. Picking it up and not recognizing the weird international number flashing, she sat it back down. Then it hit her. Her heart beating wildly, she picked it back up. Too late. She missed it. Disappointment ran through her. She could have just missed the chance of a lifetime because Mr. Shinkle needed to know how many balloons he should bring and if the hot dogs would be kosher at the BBQ. After answering all of his questions and hanging up the office phone, she stared at her cell phone. She willed it to light up, indicating that the mystery caller had left a voicemail. Nothing.

"Great. I probably didn't even submit my resume', but instead added myself to some international telemarketing list" Audrey said aloud, even though she was the only one in the room.

Pushing the disappointment aside, she fired up her computer so that she could get to work. Again, her cell rang. Jumping, she picked it up. This time it was Macy. Groaning,  she answered.

"Hey, Macy".

"Hey, Audrey! I know your at work and all that, but I wanted to see if you wanted to catch dinner tonight.  I feel like I haven't seen my other half in forever".

"I know. Things have been crazy here at the office, but yeah...tonight would be great! Just shoot me a text with the details".

"Great! I can't wait!" Macy exclaimed before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Audrey smiled. She loved Macy and could always count on her to be there when she needed her. She had needed her a lot over the last year and didn't know where she would be without her.

Audrey jumped, as her phone rang in her hand. Sure that it was Macy again, she answered without looking at the caller id.

"Dude, I said to text me...I am far too busy for your nonsense young lady" she said with a chuckle.

"Ummmm, may I speak to a Ms. King, please" the caller said confused.

Audrey frowned.

"Speaking" she said, sheepishly. Grimacing to herself, she felt completely embarrassed.

"Good morning, Ms. King. This is Maria Martinez, with the Real Madrid Foundation.  We received your resume' recently and I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions" the woman on the other end said, with a strong accent.

"Of course. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have" Audrey replied.

"Good. I see that you have ample  experience in fundraising. Could you give me some further details?" Maria asked.

"Yes. I have been the Associate Director of Fundraising at my current organization for nearly two years. I not only help oversee fundraising operations, but have also completed the 'Fundamentals of Fundraising' program at the internationally recognized Lilly School of Philanthropy at Indiana State University. Just last month, I was able to secure a large chunk of next year's operating budget through private donations." Audrey answered confidently.

"Very impressive. Would you say that you are passionate about what you do?" Maria continued.

" Very much so. Helping children is my passion. Getting children engaged to become passionate about something, whatever it may be, is what makes me tick. After all, children are the future" she answered with heightened excitment. Immediatley, Audrey felt as if maybe she put a little too much emotion in the delivery of her answer.

"I can tell that what you say is the truth, Ms. King. There aren't many people that can take their passion and use it to motivate others to find a passion all their own. I am just going to get to the point if you don't mind, Ms. King."

Audrey's breath caught in her chest, unsure of what Maria meant.

"We would like to bring you to Madrid to interview for the position. That is, if you are willing to travel the insane distance."  Maria said with a small laugh. "Of course, all travel expenses would be paid by the Foundation. Is that something that you would be willing to do?" she asked.

Audrey could not believe what she was hearing. They wanted to pay for her to go to Madrid so that they could interview her! Little, mediocre her.

"Of course! I would be absolutely honored to sit down with your organization to answer any further questions you have for me" Audrey answered.

"Great! I will send the specifics to you via email. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great day, Ms. King. It has been a pleasure speaking to you" Maria said as she disconnected the call.

Stunned, Audrey just sat there staring at the elephant painting hanging on the opposite wall. Did this really just happen?  Is this even real life right now? With a squeal, Audrey stood and did, what she would describe as a celebration dance. Jumping round and flailing about, her email dinged on her phone, signaling  that the details that could very well change her life had arrived.

"Mediocre my ass! I wish you could see me now, Jake! Madrid here I come!"

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