Chapter 59

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Audrey was no longer at the airport when Sergio arrived. He checked with every airline for another flight to Denver, Colorado and there was nothing available until the next day. Sergio didn't want to wait that long. He needed to leave as soon as possible, so he decided to use his disposable income to make sure that he left Madrid today. Besides his house and various automobiles, he didn't really make lavish purchases regularly, but today he would spend whatever it took to accomplish what he needed to accomplish, getting to Audrey. 

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he called his brother. 

"Rene!" Sergio exclaimed as soon as his brother and agent answered. 

"Hey, Sergio. What's up?" 

"I need a private plane as soon as possible!" 

"Why? Where are you going?" Rene asked, confused by his brother's urgency. 

Sergio quickly explained what was going on as Rene sat there in silence, listening. He told his brother how important it was that he get to Colorado as soon as possible and that Audrey was likely in danger because of the events that had taken place that morning. 

"Sergio, do you realize that this may not be as easy as making a simple phone call. It isn't exactly a short trip or anything like that and you aren't giving me much notice. We are talking flying over international waters and a bunch of other details that I can't even think of at the moment. I don't know if I can make it happen." Rene responded apologetically. 

"You have to, Rene! I have to get to Audrey!" 

"I understand, Sergio...I just don't know what I can do to make it happen. I can't promise anything."

"I don't care what you have to do to make it happen...just do it! No amount of money is off limits...thousands...hell, even millions. Just get it done! Buy me a fucking plane if you have to...just get me on one!" Sergio yelled, ending the call. 

Sergio collapsed into a chair. There was nothing more he could do until Rene called him back. He was hopeful that his brother would be able to pull some strings and use some connections to get him on a plane today. If not, he wasn't sure what he would do and the thought of Audrey possibly being in danger made the pain of the whole situation even worse. The guilt that he felt was intolerable. He had been in two separate situations where he could have squashed any plans that Jake had to hurt Audrey in any way, but instead he had done nothing. Sergio felt like the shittiest person alive for putting Audrey in danger when it all could have been prevented. He should have gotten to the bottom of the situation in Columbus. At that moment in the hotel lobby, deep down he knew then that Jake wasn't there by coincidence. At the gala, he had known that Jake and Camila where really up to something, but again he had done nothing. Yes, this was all his fault and he may have lost Audrey because he had refused to follow his gut.   


Audrey stepped out of the airport, taking a deep breath of the Rocky Mountain air. Seeing the mountains in the distance, brought her a sense of comfort. This was exactly what she needed. Maybe the familiarity of her childhood home would help to clear her mind so that she could figure out what to do. She was extremely thankful that her mother's house hadn't sold yet. It was the perfect refuge right now and she looked forward to walking through the front door to find the comfort that it was sure to bring. 

After acquiring a rental car, she was on her way. She knew that she should call Macy to let her know that she was safe and to tell her where she was, but she chose not to. After she had some time to think, she would call her best friend and tell her everything. She would especially want to know if Sergio was okay and hopefully Macy had heard her when Audrey had asked her to make sure he was safe. 

After travelling for a bit, Audrey pulled into the driveway of her childhood home, a rush emotions running through her. The comfort that it brought was welcomed, but it also brought sadness. She couldn't help but think of her mother as she unlocked the front door to enter. Feeling the loss of her mother all over again, summoned her to reach for the locket around her neck. The locket that Sergio had given her, was now one her most treasured possessions and it was the only personal item, with the exception of clothing, that she had grabbed before she had fled to the airport eighteen hours ago. 

Closing the door behind her, she slid to floor. Holding onto the locket, as if it were her lifeline, she broke down. She needed Sergio so much right now. She needed to feel the protection and warmth that only his arms could bring. Wanting nothing more than to hear his voice, she reached into her purse to grab her phone. Knowing though, that if she contacted him he could be in even more danger than he already was, she put her phone back into the bag. 

Curling up into a ball on the kitchen floor, she cried herself to sleep as exhaustion finally overtook her. 


" is Rene Ramos." Rene said to the man on the other end. 

He had managed to get Sergio safely on his way to Colorado and was now turning his attention to the real problem. This douche bag Jake and his bitch Camila, would cause no more problems for his brother and Audrey if he could do anything about it. Audrey had been so good for Sergio and Sergio was genuinely happy with her. Jake was going to pay for ever laying a hand on Audrey, Rene would make sure of it.

"Rene! It has been a long time, my friend!" Stefan said with excitement. 

"It has been a while. I hope that things are well with you and your family." Rene responded. He really didn't have time for small talk, but would humor the man. 

"Oh, things have been well. How about you?"

"Pretty good. I was actually hoping that you could help me with some things. Are you still working as a private investigator these days?"

"Yes, sir. What do you need? Anything you need, I am your man."

"I was wondering if you could find some information on a Camila Fernandez and a Jake Bosler for me. Fernandez lives here in Madrid and works at the Real Madrid Foundation. Bosler is from the U.S. It appears he is here staying with Fernandez."

"Sure. I can see what I can dig up. Any specific things I should look for?" 

"There whereabouts would be great. See, Bosler is the ex-fiance of the woman, Audrey, that Sergio is seeing. He roughed Audrey up pretty bad and we need to know where he is so that we can be sure Audrey is safe. She left Madrid and went back to the U.S, Sergio is on his way there now, but we would still like to know where and what Fernandez and Bosler are up to." 

"Say no more. I will see what I can find." 

"Thanks, Stefan. Sergio and I really appreciate it." Rene said, thankful that the man was willing to help him.

"You know, Rene. There are few things in this world that make me more angry than woman beaters. I know lots of people in Madrid...some good...some not so good. I could probably find someone to take care of the problem...permanently." Stefan said seriously. 

"Let's not go down the road...yet." Rene said, hanging up the phone.

 Maybe a permanent solution wasn't such a bad idea. If it came to that, so be it. Jake had made his bed when he put his hands on Audrey and he would have to deal with consequences, whatever they may be. 

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