Chapter 23

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"This apartment is stunning, but there is no way I will be able to afford this." Audrey said.

Sergio had said that he had found the perfect apartment, saying that it was in a "Sergio approved" neighborhood. He was right, it was perfect, but it was a little out of Audrey's price range, she was sure of it. It was stunning, with two large bedrooms, a wonderful bathroom, and glorious views of Madrid, that could be seen from the large balcony. What made it absolutely amazing though, was the fact that it came fully furnished. The furnishings were modern and chic. Audrey was sure that she would be more than comfortable here, but it was a little too much.

"Actually Ms. King, it isn't as expensive as one would think." the realtor said, glancing at Sergio nervously. "It can be yours for €1,200. That includes everything, utilities, internet, and such. You really won't find anything else like it for that price in Madrid." He said, again glancing at Sergio.

"Really?" Audrey questioned. "That seems a little low...for something this...this extravagant. The bathroom alone would go for much more than that in Colorado." She said with a nervous giggle. She looked at Sergio as he smiled back at her.

"I guess it is a sign that you made the right choice in coming to Madrid and that you should take it." Sergio said excitedly.

"That price really includes everything...including the furniture?" she asked. She was still unsure that the realtor was being honest with her.

"Yes, ma'am, it includes everything. Of course you will have to sign a year lease, but it does include everything."

Sergio held his breath. He knew that this apartment was too good to be true, because it was. He knew that Audrey wouldn't be able to afford this neighborhood, but he wanted only the best for her and this was the best. Sergio also knew that she would refuse any monetary assistance he offered her, so he had decided to be a little sneaky. The actual price for this very apartment, which was one of the lower priced ones in the building, was €4,200. He had spoken to the realtor prior to their visit and said that if he told Audrey that it was €1,200, Sergio would pay the difference. In addition, he had also agreed to pay his portion of the entire year's lease in advance, if the realtor agreed not to tell Audrey what he was doing. The realtor had happily agreed. Sergio wasn't sure how Audrey would react if she found out what he was doing and he didn't really want find out. Audrey was very independent, that much he knew. He was sure that she was a fireball when she was angry.

"Okay...well I would be stupid to pass this apartment up, especially at that price. I will take it!" Audrey exclaimed.

She looked at Sergio who was beaming.

"Why are you so happy? It's my beautiful apartment, not yours." She joked.

"Well, I predict that I will be spending a good amount of time here, but I also know that your about to sign a one year lease. That means you are kind of stuck here for a bit" he laughed.

"I hope to be here, with you, for many years, Sergio." She said, leaning up to kiss him.


After signing the necessary paperwork for her apartment, Audrey and Sergio had returned to Sergio's. She would be able to move into her place in a week, even though she wasn't really in a hurry. Audrey enjoyed the time she spent with Sergio in the privacy of his home. He had warned her, but the media and fans were relentless. Sometimes she dreaded being out in public with him. She hoped that it was something that she could eventually get used to and come to accept. After all, if she wanted a future with him, it would come with the territory.

Audrey walked into the living room where Sergio was watching TV. He was sitting there shirtless and she couldn't wait to sit next to him and relax.

"Hey, baby. Enjoy your shower?" he asked as she sat down next to him.

"It was nice, but you were missing."

"I didn't know that I was invited." He laughed.

"You are always invited." She said, nudging him.

They sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying the closeness of one another.

"So you found your apartment, you have a job, you have a sexy footballer on your arm....anything else you think you might need to begin your life in Madrid" Sergio asked.

"Hmmm....well my mind gets a little jumbled when I think of the sexy footballer, but I am missing one thing, and that is a car."

"Oh yes. Well there is garage full of them out there. Take your pick." He said, pointing in the direction of the garage.

"I am not taking one of your cars."

"Okay....then I will give you one."

"No, Sergio, you won't" she laughed.

"I will sell you one then. It will save you time." He said, seriously.

"I could maybe consider that. What kind of pricing did you have in mind?"

" about one thousand kisses....and a blow job." He said, winking.

"Sergio! That would make me a prostitute!"

Sergio burst out laughing.

"No, it wouldn't. I would be the only one that would know what kind of payment arrangements had been made. So do we have a deal?" he said, continuing to laugh.

"No, we do not have a deal. You are so naughty!"

"I am only naughty for you, baby. But I can recall a couple of times since you have returned to Madrid, that you have been naughty as well, my dear Audrey. Should I remind you of how you seduced me at the breakfast table this morning? Or on the breakfast table rather." He said with a wink.

He gently tackled her flat to the couch and pressed his lips to hers. She returned his kiss, before pulling away from him.

"You bring out the naughty in me, Sergio. I am a different person when I am with you, a person that I actually enjoy being."

He looked into her eyes; he couldn't get enough of her.

"Will you go somewhere with me?"

"When and where?"

"I have a couple of days off at the end of the week and it will be a surprise. I just want to show you the place that I truly love, more than any other place in the world."

"I will go anywhere with you, Sergio. All you have to do is say the word and I am there."

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