Chapter 50

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Sergio observed Audrey as she stared at Jake, unsure of what was going through her mind. The calmness that she exhibited made him very uneasy. As upset as she had been the night he had called her, he expected a little more emotion from her. However, she continued to stand there as if she was completely unconcerned with the fact that the man that had caused her so much heartache was here, in Madrid. Yeah, she had vocalized her surprise when she first saw him, but now her actions left him confused. Sergio reached for her hand, but was greeted with disappointing oblivion. He suddenly felt like Audrey had completely forgotten that he was here, like Jake was the only one in the room. Perhaps, there was a part of Audrey that was happy to see Jake and the thought scared the shit out of him. 

All of a sudden, he had to struggle with himself because he really wanted to go confront the bastard. He was clearly here to cause problems and Sergio was not going to let that happen. He would not let him upset Audrey. This was an important night for her career and this was the last thing that she needed. Then, he remembered that him and Macy hadn't actually told Audrey about running into him in Columbus, so he would have to pretend that he had no idea who he was. Karim was already failing at that horribly. He stood their gaping, looking from Audrey to Jake and then to Sergio. Sergio shot him a glare, hoping that he would pull it together until he could come up with a plan. 

Before he had a chance to decide how to handle the situation, Audrey turned to him and grabbed his arm. She led him out of the ballroom, into a hallway. 

"Why is he here?" she asked. It didn't appear that she was actually asking Sergio the question, but instead just thinking out loud. 

"Why is who here, baby?" he responded, still trying to cover his ass for not being honest with her about the happenings in the lobby of the hotel a few weeks back. 

"Jake is in there. I have no clue why he is here."

Sergio stayed silent. It was for the best; as the more he said, the better chance there would be that he would have to fess up. 

"Screw it. I don't think he saw me. He has no clue that I am Madrid. I mean, he will see me when I go up on stage for my speech...but no...I am just going to go on with my night. He doesn't exist." She rambled. 

Sergio was still unsure if she was even speaking to him directly. She had a vacant look on her face, her voice even with every word. 

"Babe...are you okay? Do you need me to go ask him to leave? Because believe me I will. I will even take Karim...or Isco...wherever that little shit that I don't do something stupid. I could go find Isco...have him ask security to escort him out?" Sergio was beginning to panic. He needed Jake gone and he needed him gone quickly. 


That was all she said, before she turned and walked back down the hallway, leaving Sergio standing there. Was that a "yes" to finding Isco to ask security to have him removed? 

"What the hell, Ramos...just go tell security yourself...why the fuck do you need Isco to do it?" he mumbled under his breath. 


Audrey returned to the table. Macy was the only one sitting there and she quickly came to the chair next to Audrey. Audrey still couldn't really comprehend what was happening. She had no clue what was going on, but refused to let this ruin her night. There has to be a perfectly logical explanation for his presence, she thought to herself. 

"I take it you saw him..." Macy asked.


"Audrey..." Macy began, but Audrey quickly interrupted her.

"I don't know why he is here...and I don't care." Audrey muttered, trying to keep her emotions under control. She really wanted to flee, to run away from the entire situation. She wanted to call a cab and go back to her apartment. That wasn't going to happen though. She had worked too damn hard to let Jake become an obstacle in her life once more. 

Macy nodded in response. When Macy looked back to Jake's table, she saw Camila hanging off of his shoulder. It all clicked. Camila was the reason that Jake was here. Macy doubted that was a coincidence. Jake had always wanted to control Audrey and now he couldn't and it must be eating away at him. Whether he had told the truth about being in Columbus for work or not, he had attached himself to Camila while he was there, seeing it as an opportunity to get close to Audrey and more than likely, try to cause trouble for her. Well Macy wasn't going to let that happen, not tonight and not ever. 

Before Macy could do anything, she saw two very large men in suits approach Jake and motion for him to follow them. Curiosity got the best of her and she excused herself from the table so that she could follow them. Leaning out of the doorway, just enough so that she could hear what was being said without being seen, she heard the men tell Jake that event staff had asked that he vacate the premises immediately.  Jake didn't argue, but he was looking at something intently on the other side of the hallway, his fists balled up at his sides. Macy looked in the direction of Jake's focus and saw Sergio smiling devilishly right at Jake, before he blew him a kiss and turned to walk away. 

"Brutal, Ramos! I fucking love it!" Macy said under her breath.  

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