Chapter 31

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Sergio quickly exited the bathroom, hoping that Audrey hadn't seen him. His heart was beating fiercely inside his chest, making it hard for him to catch his breath. A baby? Was he ready for a baby? Were THEY ready for a baby? They hadn't been together long at all. A baby would just complicate things wouldn't it? His mind was racing from question to question. He couldn't make sense of the emotions he was feeling.

Laying on Audrey's bed, he tried to calm himself down. He couldn't believe this was happening. Why hadn't Audrey told him? This was something that you didn't keep to yourself. Unless this was causing her to have second thoughts about him, about them. She is probably scared to tell me, he thought. She probably just found out this morning and just hasn't had a chance to talk to me with the events of the afternoon. Sergio was trying really hard to talk some sense into himself, not sure if it was working.

Shaking his head, he lifted himself from the bed, walking out of the room. He hesitated at the bathroom door, deciding not to enter. Turning, he walked out of the apartment.


Audrey stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself in a towel. Walking into her room, she realized that the apartment was weirdly quiet.


No answer.

"That's weird." she said to herself.

Dressing, she walked out to the kitchen where her phone was sitting on the counter. Picking it up, she expected to see a message from Sergio saying he ran out to get dinner or something. Instead, there was nothing.

"Why the hell did he just leave?"

Dialing his number, she listened to it ring, until his voicemail answered.

She left a quick message, asking why he had left and if he was coming back. She was confused. He was here when she got in the shower and now was gone without so much as a bye.

Deciding that her hunger was more important at the moment, she stepped inside the kitchen and gathered ingredients to make chicken Alfredo. I guess he can eat if he comes back, she thought.


Audrey must have fallen asleep on the couch. She awoke when she heard a key in the door of the apartment. She sat up in time to see Sergio enter, carrying flowers and a brown paper sack.

"Where did you go?"

"I just needed a walk." he answered.

"Ok?" she said looking at him confused. Something was off.

"These are for apology for laughing at you earlier."

"Thanks, but that really wasn't necessary. I can take a joke, Sergio."

He didn't say anything, he just went about getting the flowers into some water.

"What's in the sack?" Audrey asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Ice cream. Thought you might want know after your long day." He glanced in her direction, unsure of what else to say. He had walked around for two hours trying to gather his thoughts. He still had no idea why she was choosing not to tell him, but he wasn't just going to leave her. He would give her time and be here for her. Surely she had her reasons for not saying anything right now, and he would be here when she decided to tell him. After all, he loved her and he would love their child just as much, if not more.

"Mmmmm...I could definitely go for some ice cream! There is some pasta on the stove if you are hungry."

"I think I will stick to the ice cream." He smiled. "Maybe I should have grabbed pickles too." He said, not realizing what he was saying.

"What? Why would you have grabbed pickles?"

Shrugging, Sergio continued to dish up ice cream for the two of them. Walking over and handing a bowl to Audrey, he took his place next to her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I love you and I am sorry that your day was kind of rough."

"I love you too, and I survived and you made it a hundred times better with ice cream. You are the best!" She said smiling.

Sergio and Audrey made small talk while they enjoyed their cold treat. When she was done, Audrey let out a yawn. Grabbing both bowls and placing them on the coffee table, Sergio stood and lifted Audrey into his arms, carrying her into the bedroom.


Audrey and Sergio laid naked in bed, enjoying the evening breeze blowing through the window. She was tracing her finger over a tattoo on his lower abdomen. She couldn't help but think that something was bothering him. He was acting strange. He had been uncharacteristically gentle when they had made love, almost as if he was afraid he would hurt her. Usually he was a little dominant, almost like he couldn't get enough of her. This time was different. Maybe he was just in a mood, she thought. Sergio interrupted her thoughts, when he reached across and placed his left hand on her stomach.

"Do you feel okay?" he asked. She could make out the worried look on his face, even in the dark.

"Yes, I am fine. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious."

They laid in silence for a moment before he spoke again.

"You know you can tell me anything right, Audrey?"


He continued to gently graze his fingers across her stomach.

"I am not going to walk away from you, Audrey. You make me happier than I have ever been." He turned onto his side, to face her.

"Okay...should I be worried that you are going to leave me? Have you been thinking of leaving me?" She was worried now.

"No, baby. Not at all. I just know that sometimes stressful situations..."

She stopped him.

"Why are you acting weird? First you leave and then you come back hours later with flowers and ice cream...talking about pickles...what is going on Sergio?"

"I saw the test in the trash." he said, sitting up.

"What test?"

"The pregnancy test."

"What pregnancy test? think I am pregnant?! I am not pregnant! I didn't take a pregnancy test."

Sergio just stared at her, his emotions mixed. He felt relief that she was telling him that they weren't having a baby so soon, but also felt a tingle of disappointment. He couldn't picture anyone else he would rather have children with, besides the beautiful woman sitting in front of him.

"Well if it isn't yours...."

Wide eyed, Audrey said "MACY!"

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