Chapter 64

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"So you guys aren't going to tell anyone that you're engaged?" Macy asked, as she added fresh cracked pepper to her Thai chicken salad. 

Audrey had convinced Sergio that since she would have security close by, that it would be okay for her to get out of the house to enjoy a much needed lunch date with her best friend. He had been hesitant at first, but when Audrey had argued that if she wasn't going to be able to do anything, even with security, then they might as well not even have security, he had agreed. Sergio had asked her to pay attention to what was going on around her and then had kissed her and sent her on her way. Audrey was thankful for the time that she would get to spend with her friend because with everything going on, she was in desperate need of it. The sooner she could get her life back to normal, the better she would feel.

"Well, we told you and Karim. I think Sergio was going to tell his family, but he might wait. We really don't want the news to get out until we are sure that everything with Jake is over." Audrey replied.

"I am sorry that the two of you can't celebrate it and shout it from the rooftops. You deserve to be able to do that, Audrey." Macy said, frowning at her friend. 

"We will be able to...just not right now. Patience is always rewarded handsomely, right?"

"That is what they say and if it is are going to get all the rewards that ever were." Macy said with a laugh. 

Macy had always admired Audrey's optimistic outlook on life. No matter what Audrey was going through, she always looked for something positive. It broke Macy's heart that her friend had finally found happiness and now that dickhead Jake, was trying to take it away from her, his only reasoning being, that he wanted Audrey to be miserable. She didn't understand why her friend always had to face so many obstacles, nothing could ever just be easy for Audrey. Macy had always said if she had gone through half of what Audrey had in her life, she would have ran away and became a nun by now. That is what made them so perfect for one another, they balanced each other out. Macy was the straight forward realist and Audrey was the hopeful dreamer. 

"I just wish that I knew if Jake was still here. I don't like not know?" Audrey said.

"Security hasn't seen him?" 

"Not that I know of, but I don't think they would tell me if they had. It isn't really a situation where we sit down with them nightly and they debrief us on the day. I think Rene is handling it for the most part...I don't even know how involved Sergio is. I guess they are probably just trying to protect me from anything and everything." Audrey explained, exhaling deeply.

Macy gave her an understanding smile. She probably wouldn't handle the situation as well as Audrey was, if she were in her shoes. 

"Enough about all of the crazy, though. How are you? How is the baby?" Audrey asked with eagerness. She wanted nothing more than to talk about happy, exciting things. 

"I am good. I think I am done puking my guts out for the most part...and that is a gift from God. Pregnancy is so horrible, Aud. Don't ever do it. You tell Ramos he better wrap that shit up...every time...if he puts a spawn inside you and bestows the hell that is morning sickness...or in my case, all day sickness...I will kick his ass for making by best friend so miserable." Macy said, adamantly. 

Audrey immediately burst out laughing. 

"It can't be that bad! You have always been a drama queen! Oh my gosh! You crack me up, Mace!" Audrey said, snorting between breaths.

"I am dead serious. Why don't you go home to Sergio right now...get knocked up...and then come talk to me. It is like a freaking alien has decided my body is it's new home and it is slowly sucking the life out of me." Macy said, rolling her eyes at her friend. 

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