Chapter 38

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After two days, Paqui had softened tremendously to the idea of Audrey and Sergio as a couple. She would be heading back to Seville this afternoon and Sergio had been thankful for the time that he had been able to spend with her on this very surprising visit. Audrey and his mother had even seemed to enjoy each others company, which Sergio was even more thankful for. He knew that once his mother had met Audrey that she would love her as much as he did and he still held out hope that that would be the case, even though it had a pretty rocky start.

When Audrey had told him how she had stood up to his mother, by telling her that she was not some gold digging woman only looking to spend Sergio's money and leach off of his fame, he had laughed. He had never known anyone that had been able to stand up to Paqui so effectively. It was almost comical. He kind of wished he had been a fly on the wall just so he could have seen the look on his mother's face when Audrey had said the words that had put her in his place. He knew Audrey well enough to know that she hadn't been bitchy to his mother, but instead had chose to kill her with kindness. It was one of the many things he loved about the beautiful American.

Looking across the table at Paqui, as they enjoyed coffee before she was set to depart, he smiled at her, catching her attention.

"What dear?"

"I am glad that you came for a visit, Mother."

"I am too, Sergio." She paused for a moment before continuing. "I owe you an apology. I should not have jumped to conclusions about Audrey. You were right; she is different than any of the others. She is bright, funny, independent, and sweet as sugar. I can see that she makes you very happy." She smiled back at her son.

"I told you. Audrey is amazing and she does make me happy. Happier than I have ever been."

"There is still one thing that worries me...." His mother said, her voice trailing off. She didn't really want to bring it up because she really did like Audrey, but this one thing was bothering her.

"Why do you keep trying to find something wrong with her?"

"I am not trying to find something wrong with her; I just don't understand how she could just up and move to another country? Yes, she was offered a job that she had been dreaming of, but to move so far away from her family? That is what I don't understand. I have a horrible feeling that she is running from something....or hiding from something." She said, casting concerned eyes on Sergio.

"She isn't running from anything or hiding from anything, Mother. She doesn't have any family. Besides distant Aunts and Uncles and such, both of her parents passed, so she really doesn't have any close family. Her mother only passed not even a year ago, so she had nothing holding her back from taking the job here in Madrid. It had been just her and her mother since Audrey was three. She didn't abandon anybody by coming here." He said. He stared at his hands for a moment, waiting for Paqui to speak, when she didn't, he continued.

He proceeded to explain the entire situation, hoping that it would help Paqui understand what had led Audrey to make such a life changing decision, like moving to Spain and leaving all she had ever known behind. He told her about Jake and about the time spent with her mother while she was sick. Watching his own mother as he spoke, he could see that the story was affecting her. She had tears in her eyes and a concerned look on her face.

"Look, I know that she isn't perfect. Nobody is....and Audrey has been thorough a hell of a lot....but Mother....she is perfect for me."

Tears were threatening to spill from his own eyes, as he thought about how important Audrey was to him. Her presence in his life motivated him to strive to be a better person, not only for her, but for himself as well. He needed Paqui to accept her and love her as much as he did. Studying his mother, he was hoping that her flow of emotion was that of understanding and acceptance.

"Well, oh my. I guess I owe Audrey an apology too. I should have never made assumptions about her. That poor dear has been through so much and I can't imagine the amount of pain and hurt that has burdened her for so long. She is a tough girl and you are right....she is quite amazing, remarkable really. She is a strong soul, there is not doubt about that. Do me a favor, Sergio, please?" She said, swiping at the tears rolling down her cheeks, almost pleading with him.

"What is that, Mother?"

"Whatever you do....don't let this one go."

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