Chapter 4

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Mr. McHottie Face had a name. It was Daniel. The Foundation had hired him to pretty much take Audrey anywhere she wanted to go during her stay in Madrid. He was as friendly as he was good looking and that helped keep some of the nerves that Audrey was experiencing at bay, as he drove her to her interview. She still couldn't believe that she was doing this. As the car came to a halt in front of her destination, the nerves that had disappeared during her friendly conversation with Daniel, came rushing back. Daniel hurried to open her door, saying that he would wait for her to return.

Exiting the luxury sedan, Audrey thought for sure she was about to vomit. This had been a mistake. She was going to walk into this room and make a complete fool of herself. There was no way she was qualified for this position. She could hear her best friend though, saying that they wouldn't have gone through the trouble if they didn't think she had something to bring to the table. That brought her the confidence boost that she needed, as she grabbed a hold of the door and walked into the building.

After checking in with the receptionist, she took a seat on one of the chairs in the lobby. Her hands were shaking, but oddly, she felt fairly at ease. At least she didn't feel the need to vomit anymore. It would be unfortunate if that happened; as she had spent a small fortune on the black, pencil skirt, two-piece suit she was wearing, just for this occasion. She paired it with black matte pumps. She had also added a pop of color by adding a pink, ruffle front blouse under the blazer. Inexplicably, she always felt more confident when she wore pink.

"Ms. King, they are ready for you." the receptionist said, as she motioned for Audrey to follow her down a long, wide hallway.

"Well, here goes nothing."


Exiting the building and making her way to where Daniel was waiting with the car, Audrey was amazed at how well the interview went. She felt that all five interviewers had genuinely cared about what she had to say. They had asked some tough questions, but she had kept her composure and was able to answer them easily. Now she just had to wait. That would be the hardest part, because they had said it could be a week or more before they were prepared to make any final decisions regarding the position. She wouldn't think about that now, though. Her and Macy had big plans for the night. For the first time since her mother had gotten sick, Audrey felt that it would be okay for her to let her hair down and have a good time.

Pulling up outside of the hotel, Daniel reminded her that he was only a phone call away, should her and Macy need to go anywhere farther then walking distance. The Hotel Preciados was luxurious. Audrey had never been in or even seen a hotel this nice. It was positioned in a beautiful area of Madrid and there were amazing restaurants, shops, and clubs everywhere you looked. Entering the hotel, as the doorman greeted her, Macy appeared out of nowhere.

"I have been waiting forever! How did it go?" her friend hollered as she rushed towards her.

"Ummm...I think it went pretty good. I guess I won't know until I get the call....or don't." Audrey answered.

"I am sure you rocked it! Now, go get changed. We have an exciting night in store and I don't want to waste minute!" Macy said, as she ushered Audrey towards the elevator.

Entering the room, Audrey couldn't wait to get out of her heels. She was also burning up in her suit, so her first priority was changing into something more comfortable. As she changed, Macy came bouncing into the room with two glasses of champagne.

"Let the dirty 30 games begin!" Macy said, handing her friend one of the glasses.

Rolling her eyes and laughing, Audrey reminded her that they shouldn't get too crazy. She wanted to remember this "Dirty 30" celebration.

"Oh, honey. We are going to give crazy a new definition! Madrid won't know what hit it!"

Both girls rolled with laughter. Audrey knew that there was a good chance that Macy wasn't exaggerating. Macy had always been the wild one of the two.

While they ate the room service dinner that Macy had ordered, they finished off the first bottle of champagne. Macy quickly summoned another bottle on the motel phone. That bottle was gone by the time both girls were dressed and ready to leave the hotel. They were definitely in the mood to have some fun.

Macy was wearing a short, blue strapless sundress. She looked amazing. Audrey had gone a bit more casual. Again with the pink, she chose a form fitting halter top. It was sort of low cut and showed that she was well endowed in the cleavage department, but wasn't too revealing. At least she didn't feel like she was going to fall out of it. She had paired the top with cute pair of tight, ripped jeans. Both feeling satisfied with how they looked, the girls made their way to their destination.


The music inside the club was loud and the dance floor was packed. Audrey and Macy made their way through the crowd, towards the bar, so that they could order their drinks. Audrey followed behind Macy, trying not to lose her in the sea of people. With the bar in sight, Audrey was stopped abruptly, when someone grabbed her by the arm. She turned, as a male voice voice mumbled something.

"Excuse me?" Audrey asked.

"I said, you have nice tits!" the man yelled over the music.

"Uhhhhh...thanks....but I have to go." she said, trying to pull her arm away from the man's strong grasp.

"You aren't goin' nowhere. We're just gettin' started!" the man growled, as he pulled Audrey closer.

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