Chapter 32

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Audrey and Sergio had enjoyed a good laugh after the misunderstanding. Audrey felt closer to Sergio after the confusion, knowing that if she were pregnant with his baby, he wouldn't leave her hanging. She hoped that Karim planned on doing the same for Macy. If he didn't stand by her through this, Audrey would not be pleased. Macy was her best friend and she couldn't bare the thought of Macy having to deal with this without Karim by her side. Sergio didn't think that Karim would do that to Macy. He said he was a good guy and that he suspected that he would do the right thing. Audrey hoped that her boyfriend knew what he was talking about.

Audrey was busy in the kitchen making oatmeal jars, readying herself for her first full week of work, when Macy walked into the apartment.

"Hey, stranger!" Audrey said, greeting her friend.

"Hey, are you super busy? I wanted to talk to you for a minute."

"I can talk. I have all the time in the world for my bestie."

Audrey followed Macy out to the balcony, where they sat in silence for a moment. Audrey was sure that Macy was trying to decide how to tell Audrey the news. Audrey wanted to blurt out that she already knew, but would give Macy the chance to tell her the exciting news instead.

"I'm pregnant."

Audrey was surprised that Macy's face was practically void of any emotion. She didn't look happy, but she didn't look sad either.

"Really?!" That's so exciting!" Audrey squealed, pretending that this was news to her.

"Yeah. Three pregnancy tests and they all say the same thing. Macy Stephens is knocked up,"

"Why do I get the feeling that you maybe aren't that excited about this?"

Macy's eyes immediately produced tears.

"I am...but I'm not...I don't know, Aud. This is not what I had planned."

"Sometimes we can plan all we want, but there are bigger and better things already planned for us. Look at where we are, Macy! We are in Madrid! Who would have ever thought that we would be living in Madrid, Spain?"

"That is why I am in this mess...because we came to stupid Madrid." Macy said as she rolled her eyes.

"No, you are in this mess because you met an irresistible footballer and you fell madly in love him and you guys can't keep your hands to yourselves...and apparently don't know how to prevent things like this." She said, smiling at her friend.

She chuckled, but then Macy just sat there, not saying a word.

"Macy. You always said that when you met the right wanted to settle down and have babies...maybe this is it. Maybe this is what you have been waiting for."

Macy still sat there, not moving and silent.

"Okay...what does Karim say? You have told Karim haven't you?"

Macy sighed. Audrey was afraid of what she was going to say when she did decide to speak.

"I told him. He seems impartial, like he doesn't care...or that he is too shocked to say anything. He didn't say that he was happy about it, I do know that. What am I going to do if he doesn't want to do this with me? Audrey, I can't do this alone. I am scared. I am the most irresponsible person I the hell am I supposed to raise a baby?" The tears continued to flow from her eyes. Audrey was having a hard time figuring out what she could say to help Macy cope with this news. She quickly moved over to sit next to her best friend, pulling her into her arms.

"Honey, you will never be alone. I will always be here for you. You know that. I am sure that Karim is just as surprised by this news as you are. Give him some time to process all of it. Do you want to hear a funny story?"

"Yes, please." Macy answered, practically begging.

Audrey proceeded to tell Macy about being detained by the police the day before and continued by telling her about the mix-up that occurred because of what Macy had left in the bathroom trash can. It didn't take long for Macy's tears to turn from tears of fear and frustration to tears caused by hysterical, side splitting laughter.


Sergio walked into Marcelo's back yard. He was having a small get together with a few of the guys who were in Madrid. Some were still at the Euros and others would be leaving for vacations before the team headed to the U.S for the International Champions Cup Tour. Marcelo was always the guy on the team that wanted to spend time bonding. Multiple guys milled about, talking and laughing as Sergio walked up to the group.

"The party is here, gentlemen!" Marcelo shouted to the group, slapping Sergio on the back.

"He isn't a party anymore....not since the beautiful Audrey got here." Lucas said, causing the group to laugh in agreement. Sergio didn't argue. It was the truth. He didn't need to party when he had all he wanted waiting at home for him.

"We could say the same for Benzema!" Marcelo added. This caused more laughs.

Sergio looked at Karim, expecting him to be laughing or to have a smart ass comeback, but instead he stood there, stone faced. Catching his attention, Sergio motioned for him to follow him to the other side of the yard.

"Audrey told you." Karim said. It wasn't a question, it was a statement and he sounded annoyed that Sergio knew.

"Yeah, I know." He wouldn't bother telling him how he had found out. Audrey had told him about the conversation that she had had with Macy. Sergio wasn't sure how Karim felt about his impending fatherhood, but he was about to find out.

"Congrats, man!" Sergio said.

"Yeah, thanks."

"That's it? You don't seem very excited."

Karim only shrugged.

"Really? You don't have anything else to say?"

"What do you want me to say Ramos? Do you want me to say I am excited? Do you want me to say that I am happy? Because I won't....because I am not any of those things."

Sergio stared at his teammate and friend. He couldn't believe what he was hearing and he could feel anger beginning to bubble at the surface of his mind. Karim continued, as he looked Sergio square in the eyes.

"I didn't sign up for this....for being a father. I just met Macy for fucks sake! I can't be a father!"

"What do you mean you didn't sign up for this? Did you not take Macy to bed? Did you not make the conscious decision to have sex with her....multiple times? Those kinds of choices come with the possibility of consequences and becoming a father is one of those consequences. Now you gotta step up and take care of your shit!"

Sergio could not believe what Karim was saying and he wasn't going to hold back in how he felt.

"Mistakes happen, Sergio. You act like this is all my fault."

"Did I say that? No. But you make it sound like it is all Macy's fault and she is the only one that is going to have to deal with this. You have to be a man and support her. Don't make her do this by herself. That baby is half of were there when it was made! I am not saying you have to marry her, but you have to take care of your responsibility."

"I can't do it, Sergio. This isn't what I signed up for."

Before he knew what he was doing, or had time to control himself, Sergio's fist came into contact with Karim's jaw and Karim was flat on the ground.

"You are the biggest piece of shit I have ever met, Benzema!"

All of the guys were now staring at the scene a little ways from them as Sergio made his way past them and out of the yard, towards his car.

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