Chapter 60

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Sleeping on the hard wood of the kitchen floor, had wreaked havoc on Audrey's battered body. She felt as if she had been hit by a train and the thought of a hot shower was inviting. Getting up, her muscles stiff and painful, she grabbed her suitcase and headed to the bathroom. Starting the shower, she removed her clothing, cringing with every movement. Looking at her naked form in the mirror, she frowned at the sight. The bruises that covered her arms, neck, hip, and thigh, were very prominent. The horror that had shown on Macy's face when she had burst into the bathroom made complete sense. Audrey hadn't cared to look at the marks that covered her body before, the shock of what Jake had done too great, but now that she was really seeing them for the first time, she realized the damage that he had done. 

Stepping into the shower, she allowed the hot water to cascade over her sore muscles. As relaxing as it was, the hot water couldn't help repair the pain she felt in her heart. Her mind reeled as she tried to think of something that could fix this situation. The thought of walking away from Sergio forever stung her to her core. She could honestly say that since meeting Sergio, she had been the best version of herself. Everything about the life she had began to build with him in Madrid, had been shaping her into the exact person she had always dreamed she would be. Now, everything was a mess and she felt all of her happiness slipping through her fingers. Surely there was something that could be done, but she couldn't think of it at the moment. After seeing her bruised body, she took Jake's threat very seriously, so the thought of taking this matter on herself, scared her. 

Stepping from the shower, she dried her body and moved to the bedroom so that she could get dressed. While in the shower she realized that she hadn't eaten anything besides a few crackers on the plane, since dinner at the gala, so a trip to the grocery store was definitely a necessity. Opening her suitcase, she laughed to herself. In her hasty escape, she hadn't really packed anything practical. A few dresses and skirts were mingling with about twenty shirts in the suitcase. No jeans or any other type of pants, appeared to be in the mix. The sweats she had worn for the flight would have to do, until she could run to a store to get something else. She wasn't really in the mood for dresses and skirts. Besides,  she would prefer to cover her body so that the bruises weren't visible. Digging through the suitcase one more time to be sure, she smiled. Pulling a sweatshirt from the ball of clothing, she hugged it against her chest. Sergio's sweatshirt. Bringing it to her nose and inhaling deeply, she felt a calm come over her. Sergio's masculine scent still covered the garment and Audrey immediately put it on, allowing the scent to continue to bring the calmness that it offered. 

Checking her phone, she saw that it was a little after nine in the morning. Besides the grocery store and finding some more practical clothing, there was one other place that she needed to be. She was hoping that this particular visit would help her find the answers she was so desperately seeking.  


"Macy, she isn't at the house. Is there anywhere else you think she might be?" Sergio asked. 

"Ummm...there might be one other place. I will text you the address." She answered.

Sergio waited for the message and after receiving it, he relayed the information to the cab driver. He had never been to Colorado before and figured it would be easier to have someone else navigate and drive. The driver confirmed that he knew where the address was and drove away from the house. As they traveled, Sergio finally had a moment to send a message to Rene to thank him properly for getting him here as quickly as he had. It had taken a little longer than Sergio had wanted, but he was here and that was all that mattered. However, he wouldn't be completely satisfied until he could see Audrey, until he could see that she was okay. 

He still had so many unanswered questions floating around in his mind, but all of that could wait. The only thing he wanted right now was Audrey. When the cab came to a stop, he looked out the window, praying that he had finally found her.


Audrey sat in the grass, facing her mother's headstone. She wished her mother were here, in the flesh, so that she could ask for her guidance, but this would have to do. Anytime in the past, when Audrey felt lost, Sara had been the one to guide her in the right direction. Her mother had always given the most sound and logical advice. The one thing Audrey had ignored was her advice regarding Jake. Man, has that came back to bite me in the ass, she thought to herself. 

She sat silently, gathering her thoughts. The small cemetery was empty and the calmness of the day brought her peace. Tears began falling from her eyes, streaking her cheeks with their presence. A piece of her empty heart suddenly felt full and she knew that he mother was listening.

It will be okay...

She could hear the words as if someone had physically spoken them. 

"I don't think it will be okay. I am so scared. I have never been this scared in my life. At the same time, I have never been this happy in my life. How is that possible?" Audrey said, aloud. 

Anything is possible... 

"I don't know what to do. What can I do? Everything is so messed feels so hopeless." 

Follow your heart, have to take a chance...

"I can't do that...Sergio could be hurt. I won't be able to live with myself if something happens to him." Audrey continued. She swiped at the tears streaming down her cheeks. 

It will be okay...

"I can't chance it, Mom. If he got hurt...I can't even think about it. Sergio is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I have never felt more beautiful or treasured. He is absolutely amazing...he is perfect for me. I wish that you could have met him...I know that you would have loved him. I truly believed that he was the end of my story...that he was the one that would make me complete. I have imagined marrying him and having babies...he would be the end of MY story, but the beginning of OUR story. Now, I don't is all slipping away...all because...of...I don't know, Mom. I am so scared. I don't know what to do. I love him so much that it physically hurts. I can't bear to lose him."

Open your heart, Audrey...turn around and open your heart to the possibilities...

"Turn around? I don't understand...I am so scared...I can't think straight"

Don't be will be okay...turn around and open your heart completely, Audrey...

The tranquility of the moment brought a peace that Audrey didn't understand, until she turned around. Gasping, she couldn't believe her eyes. Sergio stood just a few feet behind her, tears streaking his own cheeks and relief apparent in his features. Quickly closing the gap between them, he reached for her and pulled her into his arms, holding on to her tightly.  

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