Chapter 34

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Audrey and Sergio were sitting on the balcony the next morning, enjoying coffee and the sunshine of the morning when Macy returned to the apartment. The couple looked at each other, as Audrey rose to join her friend inside. They were both anxious to find out how things had gone between her and Karim after they had gone to his place. Audrey was hoping that since Macy hadn't came back until this morning that things had gone better than she expected. Sergio had told her about the argument that him and Karim had had and Audrey didn't think too highly of him at the moment.

"Hey, Mace." Audrey said, poking her head in the doorway of Macy's room.

"Oh, hey. I wasn't sure if you and Sergio were awake yet. Sorry if I woke you." Macy said turning to face her friend.

"Oh no, we have been up for a while. Just enjoying the morning and view on the balcony."


" how did it go?" Audrey didn't want to seem over zealous, but she needed to know that Macy was alright.

"It went good. We had a long talk and we both realize that this is a scary thing. Having a baby....that's big....and so soon....that's just plain crazy." Macy answered with a deep sigh.

"Yes, that is all true, but what does it all mean?"

"Well, we both cried because it is that crazy and that scary. But we decided that we can't think of anyone else that either of us would want to go on this scary and crazy ride with than each other." Macy smiled.

"Oh my gosh, Macy. You don't know how happy I am to hear that."

"Karim freaked out at first. He said that he woke up when Sergio laid him out though, which by the way, I will talk to Sergio about. That was a little out of line." Macy said shooting a threatening glance towards the direction of the balcony.

"Yeah, he probably should have stayed out of it, but he couldn't bare the thought of one of his friends being so disrespectful to you. I hope that you can understand that he was looking out for you, even if it cost him his own friendship.

"I suppose...I will let it slide. It does mean a lot that he looks out for me." She smiled and giggled.

"Good. I can't have you hurting my man, now can I?" Audrey laughed. Macy joined in on the laughter and then moved to the other side of the room, opening her closet.

"Karim wants me to move in with him, like today. He doesn't want to miss anything and I feel the same way. Are you okay with that, Audrey?"

"Of course! Honey, I want you to do whatever makes you happy. You have to take care of you and that baby! Go let Karim help take care of the two of you."

Audrey walked over and threw her arms around Macy and the two of them began packing Macy's things. Audrey couldn't believe how much her best friend had changed since meeting Karim. She had always loved Macy, but she loved this Macy even more.


Sergio was enjoying his time off, but would have preferred if Audrey would have been able to spend more of it with him. She was almost done with her first full week at her new job and had been exhausted every night. Sergio could tell that she also seemed a little stressed, but knew that it was just from the newness of everything. He was hoping that she would have a little time off so that they could take a little vacation before he had to report back to the team. For now, though he wanted to do something nice for her since she had been working so hard this week. He was still trying to think of ways that would make Madrid feel more like home for her, but for now he had a plan that was sure to help her unwind from the busy week.

Letting himself into Audrey's apartment, he walked into her bedroom. After looking at a few things, he found everything he was looking for and returned to the living area. Punching a number into his phone, he waited for an answer.



"Sergio! Long time no talk brother!"

"Yeah, I have been kind of busy. Sorry."

"Oh, I lady friend and all." His sister responded, teasingly.

"Yeah, I can't wait for you to meet her. I know that you are going to love her and I suspect I won't be able to keep the two of you apart."

"I hope deserve the best and I hope that she is the best."

"She is the absolute best, but I was wondering if you could help me out with a few things?"

"Of course, anything for you!"


Audrey entered her apartment and set her things on the counter. This week had been hell. She loved her new job so far, but learning so many new things and meeting so many people had put her through the ringer. She still didn't know what was up with that Camila woman, who was anything but welcoming, but figured it would work itself out with time. Maria had warned her that next week would be even crazier and Audrey was kind of looking forward to it. The woman had also told her that she would have a few days off in the coming weeks and Audrey couldn't wait to tell Sergio.

Audrey walked into her room so that she could change her clothes and get out of her heels. She wanted to go over to Sergio's tonight so they could relax by the pool. That is just what she needed to melt away the stress of the week. As she was pulling on her shorts, there was knock on the door.

Opening the door revealed a man holding a large fancy looking box.

"Audrey King?"


"This is for you." The man answered, handing her a sizeable white box, wrapped with a large black bow.

Signing for the package, she turned to grab some money out of her purse, handing it to the delivery man.

"Thank you." She said before closing the door behind her.

Practically running back to her room, she felt like a little girl. She was sure this was from Sergio, but had no clue what it was. Setting the box on the bed, she removed the card that was attached to large black bow.


You worked your ass off this week and deserve to be spoiled. Please be ready to go by 7:00. Your ride will pick you up out front and everything you need is included. I can't wait to see you, beautiful. I love you more than you will ever know.



Untying the bow, Audrey lifted the top off of the box and removed the tissue paper. What she saw brought tears to her eyes. This was hands down the most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for her.

Inside the box, was indeed everything she would need to be ready by the time requested in the card. She pulled out a beautiful, black cocktail dress. It was lacy and sexy, but classy at the same time. It would reveal just enough, but leave a lot to the imagination. She could definitely see Sergio picking something like this for her to wear. This is stunning, Audrey thought to herself. There were also shoes, and they were the perfect size, as was the dress. The shoes matched the dress perfectly. She couldn't have done a better job putting the outfit together if she had tried. Moving more tissue paper exposed bright pink lingerie. This brought a smile to Audrey's face and she let out a laugh.

"Always boosting my confidence, Sergio. God, I love him!"

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