Chapter 26

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Audrey walked into her apartment and set the keys on the counter. She held the door as Sergio followed behind, carrying a box of her things.

"Where would you like me to put this, babe?"

"Over there is fine. I can sort through everything as I unpack. Thank you for your help, Sergio."

Sergio set the box down and walked back over to Audrey.

"I have to admit that I am going to miss this beautiful face greeting me at my house when I get home everyday." He said, stroking her cheek and kissing her forehead.

"Oh, you will still see this face plenty." She answered, placing a peck on his lips.

"Good. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't see you whenever I wanted."

"Well you know where I live." She laughed.

"I do....and that reminds me. I have something for you." He replied, reaching into his pocket. "I want you to have this." He said, holding up a key. "That way you can come and go as you please. Sometimes I get back late when we play out of town and I would love for you to be curled up in my bed when I get home." He continued, winking out her.

"Hmmm....well Sergio...I guess great minds think alike." She giggled, reaching into the pocket of her jeans and producing a key as well.

"I guess they do." He said, accepting the key. "What do you say...we go tour your new bedroom?" he pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers.

"That sounds like fun, but Macy will be here with her things anytime." She said, playfully pushing him away.

"Karim is a little upset that she decided to stay with you for a while."

"I am not sure what is going on with her. Just a few days ago she was upset that he hadn't came out and said that he wanted her to live with him...and now she is freaking out because he does. This whole commitment thing is a little new to her...maybe she just needs time."

"Women are so confusing. Poor Karim." He laughed.

"Do I confuse you, Ramos?" She said as she raised her eyebrows at him.

"No, but you make me crazy....I am absolutely crazy when I am with you....I am crazy about you. I love you."

"I love you too, but you gotta get to training and I am going to unpack. I will meet you here when you are done?"

"Yes, I will be back as soon as I am done. Bye, my love."


"Are you sure the realtor didn't lie to you about the price of this place?" Macy said.

The girls had taken a small break from packing and were sitting on the balcony, enjoying the view of the city.

"Well, I already paid first and last months rent, so I would hope that he was truthful." She laughed.

"Remind me later to give you my half. I fully intend to pay half of the rent and such while I am here."

"I am not too worried about it. What made you change your mind about moving in with Karim?"

"I don't know....nothing and everything at the same time. I feel like my mind is constantly jumping from one thing to another. Like yesterday, I didn't want to stay there....but today I wish I was going to be there when he gets home. What the hell is wrong with me, Aud?" She asked her voice cracking as she said it.

"The whole serious boyfriend thing is a little knew to you, Macy. I wouldn't worry about it. Just do whatever makes you comfortable."

"Maybe I am homesick. I need to find a job or I might lose my mind."

"I am sure that has a lot to do with it." Audrey answered as she smiled at her friend.

"I am going to go unpack some things in my room. Let me know if you need my help out her." Macy responded as she left the balcony and went back into the apartment.

Audrey sat and enjoyed the warm breeze for a moment. She started to think about the wonderful time she had spent in Seville with Sergio He showed her a whole new side to him. Being at his farm had turned him into a kid in a candy store and it made her heart smile to see him so happy. However, she couldn't get the conversation he had had with his mother out of her mind. She hadn't told him that she had overheard most of it. He also hadn't mentioned the conversation to her.

Pulling out her phone, she pulled up the internet browser and went to Google. What could it hurt she thought. It might even bring her some peace of mind. Tapping on the search box she typed "Sergio Ramos". Multiple pictures and game highlight videos popped up. She looked through a few of them and didn't see anything that raised any red flags. He did appear to have a personal vendetta against another football player on an opposing team, though. The feeling also appeared to be mutual in regards to the other player. Looking at the other guys face made her angry and she couldn't even explain why. He just had that kind of face. Diego Costa. Wow, she thought. That guy looks like a huge asshat.

She laughed and continued her search. Okay, time to get serious she thought. Again, tapping on the search box she typed "Sergio Ramos girlfriends". This time she was a little shocked when the results popped up. There were multiple pictures of her and Sergio and she would be lying if she said that it wasn't a little weird. There were also pictures of him with a few other women, but that didn't really shock her at all. She was fully aware that there had been other women before her. None of the results were crazy or worrisome; it wasn't like there were hundreds. Honestly there were only a few different women. They all appeared to be models and such. They were definitely much prettier than her, she thought.

Deciding she would do one more search and then call it good, she typed "Sergio Ramos secrets" in the search bar.

What popped up made her jaw drop. It was a video. She contemplated watching it, but knew that she had to. She had to know what she had gotten involved in.

"Oh. My. God" she said aloud after she finished watching the video in its entirety.

"Why the hell didn't he tell me about this?"

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