Chapter 17

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Audrey had been absolutely miserable since she had boarded the plane in Madrid and returned to Colorado. The only thing that made it bearable was the utter exhaustion she felt after the horribly long flight, because she didn't have the energy to care. She slept for what seemed like forever. Finally feeling like she might survive after a shower, she decided to start unpacking. It was fairly early in the morning and she knew if she didn't do something, she would lie in bed and fade away in her self pity. Audrey had nobody to blame but herself. She is the one that chose to leave Sergio and all of the happiness she had found in Madrid behind.

She had spoken to Sergio three times since she had returned. They had also exchanged a handful of text messages, but it was difficult with the time difference and his training schedule. He promised her that they could figure this out, but she didn't see how. It was hopeless.

Hearing her phone ringing in the kitchen, she made her way to the room to answer it.


"Ms. King, please."

"This is her." she answered.

"Hello, this is Maria, from the Real Madrid Foundation. I wanted to call and tell you that we have made a decision regarding the position that you interviewed for."

Audrey held her breath.

"We would like to offer you the job, if you are still interested."

Audrey could hear her heart, beating rapidly, as if it was going to escape from her chest.

"Really? Wow! My apologies, but I really don't know what to say. I am really kind of shocked, if I am going to be honest." she replied.

"We understand that this would entail a big move on your part and we want to make sure that you take the time you need to think it over. I will send you the salary offer, as well as any other pertinent information. Please take some time to think it over and let us know if you accept. We can work out the remaining details at that time."

"Thank you so much. I will be sure to look over everything and think it over."

Audrey couldn't breathe as she hung up the phone. She could accept this. This could be the justification she needed to feel comfortable returning to return to Sergio.

The knock on her door snapped her out of the trance she was in. Walking up to the door and looking through the small window, she wanted to cry. Why now? This is not the time, she thought.


She opened the door.

"Jake, what are you doing here. I thought you went back California a few days ago."

"I needed to see you, Audrey."

"I told you I didn't want to see you."

"I know you did, but it is just because you were upset. I am sorry for everything."

Audrey stared at Jake, not sure what she should say or do.

"You don't have to say anything. I can't tell you how sorry I am. I was stupid and selfish. I let you down. Can you ever forgive me?" he asked.

"I don't know, Jake."

"Babe, I spent the best years of my life with you. I thought that following my dreams would make me happy, but I realize that nothing will make me happy, unless I have you."

Her stomach was in knots. She had given Jake six years of her life. Six years she would never get back. This is the man that she thought would be her everything, her forever.

"I know I said horrible things to you. Please know, that I didn't mean any of them. I was heartbroken that you wouldn't be there to see my dreams become a reality. Please understand that."

Audrey's silence made him nervous. What was she thinking? He moved closer to her, reaching out and stroking her cheek. Tears were falling, streaking her face.

"Please say something, Audrey."

"What do you want me to say?"

"Say that you still love me. Say that you will come to California with me. I love you, Audrey. I always will."

Audrey focused on his blue eyes, her heart torn in two pieces. One piece she left in Madrid and the other was in this room. She had loved Jake with her entire being. She was searching his eyes for any sign that he was being insincere. She saw none. Jake cupped her face, pressing his lips to hers.

The familiarity of his lips brought her comfort and that comfort was overwhelming.

"I do love you, Jake."

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