Chapter 16

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The group had enjoyed a nice dinner at a small Italian bistro, in a quiet part of Madrid. The meal was filled with conversation and laughter, which helped get Audrey's mind off of her earlier conversation with Jake. She still hadn't told Macy or Sergio that that had been the mystery caller that had upset her, even though she was sure that Macy had probably guessed who it was and just hadn't said anything. The two girls would have plenty of time to talk about on the 12 hour flight the next day. The thought of leaving Madrid, but mainly Sergio, made Audrey's heart ache. Maybe Macy's idea of just staying wasn't so crazy after all.

Dinner had been interrupted by Real Madrid fans and persistent paparazzi. Sergio and Karim had felt horrible about subjecting their dates to the uninvited attention. They thought that the quiet neighborhood would offer a shield from any unwanted attention, but they had been wrong. Karim and Macy had decided to call it a night. Whether they went to Karim's house or the hotel, Audrey didn't know. What she did know, was that she was going to be spending another night with Sergio. However, it was a double edged sword. On one end, she was excited for the time that she would get to spend with him, but on the other, the more time she spent with him, the harder it would be when she left. Was she sure she wanted to leave? She couldn't remember the last time she had been this happy. There was still a chance she could be coming back for good, no matter how small it was.

Audrey sat in the passenger seat, with Sergio in the driver's seat as he navigated the streets of Madrid on the way back to his house. As weird as it sounded, Audrey had always thought that watching a man drive from the passenger's seat, was a turn on. This instance was no exception. She was anticipating returning to the privacy of his home. After all, he had made offers of getting her mind off of the phone call before they had left for dinner.

"You know that your and Macy's pictures are going to be all over the internet in the morning, if they aren't already, right?" Sergio said, breaking the silence and interrupting Audrey's thoughts.

"Yeah. It is what it is, I guess. It's the price we have to pay for being on the arms of famous football players." she answered.

"I really am sorry that dinner was interrupted like that, Audrey."

"Don't worry about it. I mean, we all knew that if we went out in public there was a chance of it happening. You said yourself; they will do anything for a story. That makes two stories I have been in. I am going to be a celebrity myself if I keep this up." Audrey laughed. It was a little funny to her. She had always considered herself a nobody, yet here she was becoming a somebody, even it was only because of Sergio.

"Baby, you could stay here and become as big of a celebrity as your little heart desires. As long as it is on my arm." He said, glancing in her direction.

Audrey stayed silent. She didn't want to admit that she was considering not going to the airport tomorrow.

"What time do you fly out?"

"3 o'clock."

The two of them traveled in silence for some distance before Sergio finally spoke again.

"So are you going to tell me who was on the phone or am I supposed to use my imagination, like you did when you didn't know I was a football player?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, Audrey. I want to know everything about you, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Anything and everything you want me to know. If this is something you would rather not tell me, I can accept that. I just need to know what upset you so much."

Audrey took a deep breath. She knew that if they started this conversation, she was sure to show him how vulnerable she really was. Jake was still an open wound and if she told him about that, she would have to tell him about her mother. That was an even deeper wound.

"It was my ex-fiancé, Jake. We didn't really part on good terms and I am still not even sure what his real reason for calling today was."

"What did he say that upset you so bad?"

"Maybe I should start at the beginning."


They had arrived at Sergio's not long after Audrey had started her story. She had poured her heart out, laying everything out on the table. She had told him how horrible Jake had treated her when he walked out on her, the things he had said on the phone earlier, the last months she had spent with her mother, and how insecure she had felt since everything had happened. More tears had fallen sitting in the passenger seat of Sergio's car, than she thought possible. He had held her hand, stroking it gently. He gave her the space he felt she needed, just listening while she got everything out in the open. Once she had calmed down, he spoke.

"I am so sorry about your mother, Audrey. I can't imagine how hard that must have been. My heart hurts for you in so many ways. I don't even know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything, Sergio."

"For the record, Jake sounds like the definition of a fuck boy. None of the things he said to you are true....and to leave you like he did...when he did..." Sergio let out his breath, his anger rising. "I seriously could hurt him right now. How dare he? Baby, he is the one that needs to grow up. I don't know how he can sit there, thinking that he is a man, after treating you the way he did. You deserve so much better than that. I hope you know that. are amazing and any man that can't see that...well then that is their loss. I see it. I can't even explain to you how truly amazing you are."

Audrey didn't say anything. She just sat there staring at her hand, intertwined in Sergio's. He leaned over to her side of the car, turning her to face him and pressing his forehead to hers.

"Look at me, Audrey. Did you hear me? You are fucking amazing. I have never met anyone that makes me feel the way you do. Don't ever let anyone, and I mean anyone, tell you that you are anything less than great."

The passion and conviction in his voice caused Audrey to start crying all over again, but this time for a whole new reason. Sergio believed that she was worth something, that she had something to offer. He could have anyone in the world, but right now, he was here, with her.


"Please stay." Sergio said, searching Audrey's eyes for any chance that she might consider it.

Audrey had struggled all morning. She didn't want to leave, but she couldn't justify staying right now.

"I can't. I have things at home that I have to take care of."

"So you will come back to me?" he asked, hopeful.

"Maybe...I can't give you an answer, Sergio. I am sorry."

"I understand. Just know though, before you board that plane...that I think I love you, Audrey. This is all so new. That is why I am unsure. A part of me I didn't even know is getting on that plane with you."

She stared back at him, trying to swallow past the lump in her throat. Was leaving what she really wanted to do?

"I think I love you too, Sergio."

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