Chapter 42

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"Did I miss it?" Sergio asked as he put his arm around Audrey's waist, pulling her close.

Audrey looked up at Sergio with tears in her eyes and shook her head, then turning her attention back to Macy and Karim.

"YES! YES! KARIM! OH MY GOSH! YES!" Macy shouted, jumping into Karim's waiting arms. Karim kissed her, as the cheers of all of their friends filled the room. Macy admired the ring, glistening in the soft lights of the restaurant, which had been placed on her hand moments ago. Audrey spotted Karim's hand gently find its place on Macy's stomach, where their child was growing as he whispered something in her ear.

"You knew this was going to happen?" Audrey asked Sergio.

"Yeah, Karim told me just this afternoon actually and he swore me to secrecy. Sorry babe." He said, smiling down at her and holding her tightly.

Macy ran up to Audrey, intoxicated with the excitement of the moment she had just experienced. Audrey pulled Macy into her arms, hugging her.

"Congratulations, Mace! I am so happy for you!" Audrey exclaimed.

"I am shocked! I had no idea he was planning on this at all!"

Tears of joy were falling from Macy's eyes. Seeing her friend so overcome with happiness, caused Audrey's own emotions to strengthen. She watched as Sergio walked over to congratulate Karim with some of their teammates. Karim was beaming with pride. It was definitely a much different scenario than it had been not too long ago, when Audrey and Sergio feared that he would leave Macy to raise their child on her own. Karim had admitted to Macy that he had thought about leaving, but only because he was scared. Everything was moving so fast with them, but he wouldn't have it any other way and neither would Macy. Audrey was positive that they were a match made in heaven and would do things at their own pace and this was a grand example.

Sergio walked back over to the women, taking Audrey's hand.

"I have had about all the excitement I can take for one night. Shall we head back to the hotel?" he asked, taking Audrey's hand, trying to pull her in the direction of the exit.

"Oh sure, steal my best friend just so you can go create your own excitement. What you should say Ramos, is that you have had enough of Audrey being clothed and you would like for her to be naked." Macy joked.

"You read my mind, Macy. Enjoy YOUR engagement celebration; just go easy on the Benz okay." He laughed. Audrey joined in their laughter, happy that her two favorite people got along so well.

Sergio and Audrey said their goodbyes and made their way to the hotel, grateful that they would have some much needed time alone.


Audrey had said that she wanted a beer and if Audrey wanted beer, beer she would get. Sergio walked out into the hallway and headed downstairs to the hotel bar. He could grab a quick six-pack and be back to the beautiful woman waiting for him in no time, if he didn't run into any of his teammates that is. Walking briskly to the elevator, he couldn't help but smile. He was genuinely happy for Karim. Yeah, Karim had said some stupid things when Macy had first told him that they were expecting, but he had quickly woken up, and was doing the right thing. Sergio didn't think that just because they were expecting that they needed to get married necessarily, but they seemed happy. If getting married was what they wanted to do, then he would support them one hundred percent.

He had actually been thinking about his and Audrey's relationship a lot lately. He knew that she was the one that he wanted to spend his life with and start a family with, but they were happy just as they were. They had fallen into a comfortable routine in their every day lives and Sergio didn't see any reason to rush into anything more at the moment. Everything that was meant to happen for them would happen in good time. When that time came, he would be ready.

Walking into the hotel bar, it appeared to be pretty empty, much to his relief. He didn't want anything to slow his return to Audrey. The bartender greeted him when he reached the bar.

"What can I get ya buddy?" the man asked.

"Can I just get a six pack of Heineken, please?" Sergio responded.

"Sure thing. Be right back."

As Sergio waited for the man to return, he could feel eyes on him. Looking just to the right of where he was standing, he spotted Camila. She stared at him for a moment, before winking at him, biting her lip. Sergio looked away, disgusted. He wasn't interested.  The fact that she looked like a two cent hooker, didn't help her appeal at all. Why hadn't she gotten the hint in the tunnel this afternoon, he wondered. Sergio thought that he had been pretty clear in the fact that he wasn't interested when he had all but ran away from her.

Camila wasn't alone. She was sitting with a man who had a ball-cap, jeans and t-shirt on. The ball-cap was pulled low and the man just sat there looking at his beer. Camila continued to stare at Sergio and when he glanced in her direction again, Sergio saw her lean over and whisper something to the man beside her. The man's head shot up and he looked Sergio directly in the eyes. The glare that the man shot him, cause Sergio's skin to crawl. There was something about the man that made him extremely uncomfortable, but he didn't know why. He had no clue who he was, nor did he care.

The bartender returned and handed Sergio his beer. Throwing enough money to cover the beer and a nice tip onto the bar, Sergio turned and left.

Walking back to the room, he heard voices behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw that Karim and Macy had returned and were walking across the lobby. Arriving at the elevator, he pressed the button and waited for the doors to open. His attention quickly went back to the lobby, when he heard a commotion.


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