Chapter 61

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She held on to Sergio tightly, too afraid to let him go for even a moment. She knew that she had a lot of explaining to do, but wanted to just feel the safety that his arms offered for as long as he would allow. He didn't budge, seemingly wanting to keep Audrey in his arms as much as she wanted to be there. The warmth of Sergio's body and strength of his arms made Audrey feel like she was home. She knew that if she opened her heart to him completely and trusted him, that together, they could make it through anything, including the predicament they currently found themselves in. Except Sergio didn't know all that was going on. He had no clue that the reason Audrey had said such horrible things to him was because of the threat that Jake had made. Part of her wanted to keep it to herself, in the hopes that she would be able to think of something that could make Jake go away on her own. However, as she stood there in Sergio's arms, inhaling the scent that had become so familiar to her, she knew that she couldn't keep it from him. If he was in danger, he deserved to know. She already knew that she wasn't completely safe; as her body was covered in the marks proving that she wasn't safe at all. 

Sergio didn't let go of her, instead he tightened his hold on her gently, as he broke the silence. 

"Audrey, I love you so much. I am sorry I couldn't get here sooner." He said as he reached down to lift her chin, so that he could look into her blue eyes. 

He stared into her eyes for a moment, looking for any answers that they might give to answer his questions. Reaching down, he wiped the tears that were freely falling down her cheeks. 

"Don't cry, baby. Everything is going to be okay. I promise you, I won't let him hurt you ever again." He said, wanting her to know that she was safe and he would make sure that she stayed that way. 

"I love you too, Sergio. I am not worried about me...I am worried about you. I am worried about you being safe." She replied, new tears beginning to fall. The threat from Jake began to echo in her mind and she buried her face into Sergio's chest. 

"Audrey, look at me."

She lifted her head and looked into his dark eyes, knowing that she needed to tell him everything, but afraid that she would lose him when he realized that he may have to choose between his passion, football, or her. Sergio interrupted her thoughts by pressing a soft kiss to her lips. 

"Let's go back to your house. We can talk there." 

Sergio walked over to the waiting cab, passed some money through the window and watched as the car drove away. Returning to Audrey, he led her to the car that she had brought to the cemetery. Opening the passenger side door, he helped her in and then went and got into the drivers seat. Before long, they were pulling into the driveway of Audrey's childhood home. 

As they walked into the house, Sergio took Audrey's hand. Looking up at him, she gave him a weak smile. Even though her face didn't show it, her heart was overjoyed that he was here. She knew that telling Sergio everything that had happened with Jake at her apartment would be hard, but she had to do it. He deserved to know everything, especially that she hadn't meant it when she said that she didn't love him and never wanted to see him again. It probably hadn't been the wisest thing, to say the things she had, but she needed to protect him somehow and at the time it was the only thing she could think of. 

Sitting down on the couch, she waited for Sergio to join her. As soon as he sat next to her, she flung herself into his arms. 

"I love you so much. I hope that you know that. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Sergio, I didn't mean any of the things I said." She spoke the words through fresh tears, as Sergio sat there silently, listening. "Jake said that if I didn't break up with you right away...that he would hurt you...bad enough to end your football career. I couldn't handle the thought of you being hurt, Sergio. I know it doesn't excuse anything that I said, or that I attacked you when you wouldn't leave...but when you showed me the pictures...I knew that he was doing more than just threatening...he was actually acting on his threats...I couldn't bear to see you hurt..." She cried, her voice cracking before it trailed off. 

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