Chapter 57

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Sergio sat in his car completely dazed. He still couldn't comprehend what had just happened. Tears were still falling from his eyes and the hurt he felt deep inside was unwavering. There was nothing he could think of that would help him figure out what was going on. How could Audrey's feeling for him change so suddenly? Why was she saying that the pictures were real, when they clearly were not? Was she really cheating on him? Nothing was making any sense to him, but sitting in front of her apartment wouldn't fix anything. 

He decided that he didn't want to go home right now, just to sit there alone and dwell on the recent turn of events, so he decided he would stop at Karim's. Maybe him and Macy could help him, or at the very least, Macy could go check on Audrey. That was what really worried him. She had been downright hysterical, but had seemed so defeated at the same time. Something inside Sergio nagged at him, telling him that he just needed to give her some time. Maybe after a little time, she would be able to give him a little more explanation that could help him understand the crazy episode that had just taken place. 

Starting his car, he pulled out of the parking lot. He arrived at Karim's house with absolutely no recollection of actually driving there. He had been so lost in his thoughts and tears were still leaking from his eyes. He had to pull himself together. Karim didn't need to see him like this because he would never let him live it down. Sergio felt like a huge blubbering baby. Grown men weren't suppose to show emotion like this, but Sergio's whole world felt like it had just exploded and he couldn't control his emotions at the moment, so Karim would just have to accept it. 

Sergio knocked on the door and waited for an answer. The door swung open to reveal Karim. His friend stood there, surprised to see Sergio in the state that he was in. 

"Dude, what the hell is wrong? Is Audrey okay? Are you okay?" Karim said, motioning for Sergio to enter the house and closing the door behind them. 

" don't fucking understand..." Sergio muttered. He collapsed onto the couch, raking his fingers through his hair. He didn't even know how to explain what had happened, because it made zero sense. 

"Understand what, Sergio?" 

"She broke up with me...she said she never wanted to see me again. She said she is fucking around with Jake behind my back...that the pictures are real. She said she never wanted to see me again...the only way she will be happy is if she never sees me again..." Sergio's voice trailed off. Saying the words caused the pain he was feeling to intensify and he started to feel nauseous.

"There is no way those are real! You have to be kidding me?" Karim said in disbelief.

"No I am not fucking kidding you, Benzema! Do you think I would be here blubbering like a fucking baby on your couch if I was kidding?!" Sergio shouted.

"Okay...okay. I know you aren't kidding. I just can't believe what I am hearing."

"That makes two of us. Is Macy here? I think she should go check on Audrey." 

"Yeah, let me go grab her." Karim said, before leaving the room.

Sergio sat there, waiting for them to return. He fought off the urge to go back to Audrey's, knowing that if he did it would only upset her more. He hoped that Macy might be able to speak to her and help him figure out what the hell was going on. Sergio looked up when he heard the couple enter the room. Karim must have already relayed to Macy what Sergio had told him, because she was talking a mile a minute and asking questions quicker than Sergio could process them. 

"Just go to her. Please, Macy...just go to her." Sergio said as he held up his hand to stop her bombardment of questions. Macy didn't hesitate, she just shook her head, placing her hand gently on Sergio's shoulder before heading out the door. 

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