Chapter 21

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"Sergio." Audrey answered. He thought he heard a sigh of relief on the other end.

"Hey." he replied.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to call me back."

"Yeah...well...I did so, what's going on?"

"I can hear it in your aren't happy to be talking to me."

"What do you expect, Audrey? You have ignored me for days. I would say that you are the one that hasn't wanted to talk to me." His voice was slightly raised, and even he could hear the desperation. 

"I told you that it has been a crazy few days for me, Sergio. I also apologized. What more do you want from me?" she said. He could hear the tears threatening in her voice.

Sergio sighed.

"I know. I'm sorry. How have you been? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine. Well, I am a little stressed, but I think it is good stress."

"Good stress? I don't think there is such a thing." he said, with a small chuckle.

"I don't know, maybe there is such a thing. I have something to tell you."

"Umm...okay?" Sergio responded. He could hear happiness in her voice. Maybe his worst fear wouldn't be realized. Maybe she wasn't going to say it was over and that they could at least try to make something work. 

"They offered me the job."

"Really?! That's great, Audrey."

"Yeah, it really is. I didn't think there was a chance in hell that I would get it. Do you want to know the best part?"

"Sure, beautiful. What is the best part?" 

"I accepted their offer."

Sergio's breath stopped. What was she saying? Why was he having a hard time comprehending this? His heart was racing. Why was it racing?


"I'm here. What does that mean, though?"

Audrey laughed.

"Well, it means that I just got a job in Madrid. I am moving to Madrid, silly."

Immediately Sergio felt like the room was spinning. Was she serious? She was coming here, like permanently?

"Are you serious!?" he couldn't hide his excitement or his shock.

"Yes! I will be there next week!"


Sergio walked back into the house, a smile on his face.

"See, aren't you glad you listened to me?" Karim said, glancing at Sergio and then back to the TV.

"Yeah, man. Thanks."

"Sure. My job here is done. See you tomorrow." he said, rising from the couch.

"Macy sent you, didn't she?"

"Yep. Later."

Sergio laughed to himself. He had literally almost made a huge mistake. He would make up for the fact that he had acted like a huge ass when Audrey got here next week. She was going to be his to spoil and cherish and he couldn't wait. This also meant he would have a date to that gala he agreed to go to. It didn't seem like such an inconvenience now. Hopefully, Audrey's new job wouldn't prevent her from being able to attend with him.


Audrey taped the last box closed. She had packed most of the important things she would need immediately upon her arrival, into three large suitcases and everything else that could wait until later, in boxes. All of the boxes would be shipped to Madrid and would arrive after her. She was nervous as hell, but excited. She was scheduled to fly to Spain in the morning, but Macy would be a week behind her. So far, everything had worked out. She had sold her car and her current employer had been very supportive of her decision. The house hadn't sold yet, but she didn't necessarily need to be here for that to happen.

Sergio had insisted on helping her find an apartment when she got there, saying that he needed to make sure that she found something in an appropriate and safe neighborhood. Audrey didn't argue. He had also insisted that she stay with him until she was able to find one. Audrey had been adamant that she was finding an apartment and not moving in with him, stating that she needed to establish some independence when she got there. He had agreed, even saying that he thought that moving in together right away, would be moving things in their relationship a little too swiftly. The two of them hadn't really defined their relationship, but Audrey knew there would be plenty of time for that.

There was a moment, when Sergio had called her back, that Audrey thought he was done with her. She wouldn't have blamed him, because she had practically ghosted him. He hadn't deserved to be ignored, but she had needed to sort her thoughts out and make her decisions on her own, without any outside influence. It had needed to be her decision and her decision alone. If she had heard his voice and heard him say the sweet things he often said to her, she would have been influenced greatly by the fact that she missed him terribly. She couldn't fool herself though; Sergio was definitely an enticing reason to take this huge chance she that would be taking when she boarded that plane in the morning.

Her life would be forever changed tomorrow.

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