Chapter 54

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Audrey hesitated, her hand on the door knob for a moment. She figured if she didn't answer the door and at least find out what Jake was doing in Madrid, he would linger outside until she did, so she might as well get it over with. It would be best if he was gone before Sergio got back. Taking a deep breath and then exhaling, she opened the door. 

"Jake...what are you doing here?" she asked, trying to hide the disgust from her voice. She really didn't care why he was here, she only wanted him gone. 

"I came to see you, obviously." He replied.

"Why? How did you know I was here, in Madrid and how did you know where I lived?" 

The more she thought about it, the fact that he was here on her doorstep was more than a little creepy. She had deleted him from all social media and they didn't share any mutual friends, so she really was a little perplexed as to how he even knew that she was in Madrid. Audrey had also thought that she had made it very clear that she wanted nothing more to do with him when she told him for the second time that she wouldn't be going to California with him. That was the day that he had truly scared her. Yes, she needed to stay calm and make sure that he left swiftly. She didn't want to make him angry because she didn't hold an ounce of trust where Jake was concerned. 

"I have my ways." He spoke, interrupting her thoughts.

 The way he said the words sent a chill through her, making her wince. Jake grinned, taking pride in the fact that he got to her, that he possibly had the upper hand. 

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He asked. However, he didn't wait for Audrey's answer, instead choosing to move past her into the apartment. 

Audrey stood there, unsure of what she should do. She really didn't want him here, but didn't want to anger him. Now she actually hoped that Sergio's meeting with Rene would wrap up quickly so he would return to the apartment.

"Wow...this is a nice place. You must be doing pretty well for yourself, Audrey." 

"I guess you could say that. Why are you here, Jake?" 

"Or maybe...your big time soccer boyfriend has you set up pretty nice. Have you turned into a gold digger, dear Audrey?" 

"No, Jake. Seriously, why are you here?" She pleaded. She needed to know what his intentions were, holding out hope that Sergio was on his way. 

"I actually met someone, you may actually know her...Camila...I think you two work together. Anyways, I met her when she was in the U.S a few weeks ago and we are kind of seeing each other. I didn't know you were in Madrid until last night at the gala. Of course, you and that Ramos guy were the couple everyone was talking about, so that is how I know about all of that. As far as why I am here, well I am not entirely sure. I saw you last night, Audrey....and you looked magnificent. I had to see talk to you. I wanted to make sure that you are know...happy." He stepped closer to Audrey, attempting to brush her cheek with his fingers. Audrey quickly took a step back, moving out of his reach. 

Audrey saw a flash displeasure in his eyes when his hand met nothing but air. She decided to take a different approach to the situation, something that might make him feel comfortable without actually coming to fruition.

"Would you like some coffee? I was about to make some when you knocked on the door. We could sit on the balcony and talk, if you would like?" 

"That sounds great." Jake said. The tone of his voice indicated that Audrey's plan may work. 

"Okay, I will meet you out there." Audrey said, as she pointed in the direction of the balcony. She watched Jake turn and walk outside, before she retreated to the kitchen and grabbed her phone from the counter. 

Punching in the number, she waited through a couple of rings, before there was an answer.

"Hey, beautiful. Missing me already?" Sergio asked.  

"Yes, very much so. Are you almost done with your meeting?

"Actually, I am and I am already on my way back to your place. What's wrong?" Sergio asked. He could hear something in Audrey's voice and he didn't like it. 

"Ummm...Jake is here. I don't know why he is here, Sergio. He is creeping me out...I just need you to get here as fast as you can. How did he know where I lived?" She was almost in a panic, but felt some relief in the fact that Sergio had said he was on his way. 

"Audrey...where is he right now?" He would like to think that Jake wouldn't hurt her or do anything crazy, but after last night and the photographs, Sergio didn't trust him at all. 

"He is on the balcony...I am making coffee. I was trying to stall until you could get here. I didn't tell you, but the last time I saw him, he got very...very angry. I was honestly scared he would hurt me...Sergio please hurry. I don't think he will do anything...but he is so unpredictable." 

Sergio groaned. Yes, this was much worse than he thought. He should have kicked the shit out of that guy last night when he had the chance. 

"I will hurry, baby. Listen, just try to keep calm and talk to him about whatever he wants to talk about. I will be there in like ten minutes. Can you handle this for that long, or should I just call the police."

"No, ten minutes should be fine. I love you, Sergio."

"I love you too. It will be fine...I am going as fast as I can. I will see you soon."

Audrey hung up the phone, feeling better knowing that Sergio was only ten minutes away. She could definitely handle Jake for ten minutes. Turning back to the task of making the coffee, she jumped when she noticed that Jake was standing but a couple of feet from her. 

"You shouldn't sneak up on people, Jake." She giggled, nervously. 

"Why? Are you scared of me, Audrey?" Jake said, dark undertones flowing in his voice. 

"" She answered, her voice faltering. 

"Hmmm...well, should be."

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