Chapter 40

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Audrey returned to the hotel exhausted. The only thing that kept her from falling into bed in a heap was the fact that she would get to spend some much needed time with Sergio tonight. They had plans to meet up with some other players and their significant others for dinner and then the rest of the night would be theirs to use however they wanted. Audrey knew what she wanted to do tonight and was positive that Sergio would feel the same. She still couldn't believe the effect that Sergio had on her. She had never yearned to be close to someone as much as she yearned for him. Part of her wanted to skip dinner completely, but she would have to be patient, no matter how hard that would be. The fact that she was having such a hard time controlling the urge to call him, demand that he come to her room now, so that she cold tie him to the bed, made her laugh out loud.

"Get it together will get your man soon enough!" She said aloud, shaking her head.

She laid out a simple black and white polka-dot sundress and flip-flops before jumping in the shower, but knew that she would have to clean up quickly. She didn't have much time before she was supposed to meet everyone downstairs. As she washed her hair, she couldn't help but smile. Watching Sergio with the kids at the camp today had been delightful. The genuine enthusiasm he displayed while interacting with them had been heart warming. He looked like he was having the time of his life, laughing and smiling the whole time. He had even stayed after all of the other players had left so that he could spend extra time with them. Audrey knew that someday, Sergio would make a wonderful father. That would all happen in time, she thought. No need to rush it.

After she finished getting ready, she headed downstairs. As soon as the elevator doors opened she could see that Sergio, Karim, and Macy were waiting on her.

"Sorry guys! I am here...I am here!" She apologized; making a beeline to Sergio's waiting arms.

"About damn time, princess!" Macy joked.

"You hush there preggo!" Audrey shot back, causing Karim to erupt in laughter.

"Hey now, be nice. She is my preggo and she can say and do whatever she wants." He said through his laughter as he pressed a kiss to Macy's cheek.

Audrey was so happy that things were working for her best friend and Karim. She hoped that they would continue that way.

"Shall we? A few of the guys already headed to the restaurant." Sergio said, ushering the group out the door to the street.

Macy and Karim took off down the street. The restaurant was only a few blocks from the hotel, so they would walk. As Audrey set off to follow them, Sergio suddenly grabbed her by the hand, spinning her in the opposite direction and pulling her around the corner of the building.

"What are you doing?" she shrieked.

"This." He said firmly, as he backed Audrey up against the building. He captured her mouth, his desire causing electricity to shoot through Audrey's entire body. His hands roamed her body, stopping to cup her breasts. Audrey, lost in the passion, used her own hand to explore, slipping them up his shirt to feel his solid torso, moving them to his lower back and pulling him tighter to her body.

"Do you know how much I missed you, Audrey?" He growled into her ear.

"Yes." She replied, breathless.

"Do you know how easy it would be to take you right here....your dress would make it perfectly easy...."

Audrey let out a breathy moan, as Sergio used his hand to show her just how perfectly easy it would be.

"Oh. My. God. Sergio....let's go upstairs. Please take me upstairs."

Pulling away, Sergio winked.

"We have people waiting for us, but now you know what you are in for tonight...." He said, pressing another hungry kiss to her lips.

"Let's go get this over with." He said, as they returned to the sidewalk.


Jake sat in his rental car in front of a hotel, waiting for any sign of Audrey. Once he had managed to find out where she was working in Madrid, he had been able to find out that she would be in the U.S for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, that meant that her new boyfriend would be here too. He could work around that. Sergio Ramos couldn't be with her all of the time. He had asked his assistant to find out what hotel in Columbus Audrey could possibly be staying at. This was where she had said she would probably be. How she had found that out, Jake had no idea, he just hoped that it was right.

He wasn't really sure what he was hoping to accomplish by making this trip. He just knew that he had to see Audrey. He had to talk to her. Checking his phone, he saw that he had been sitting in this car for nearly four hours. At one point he was sure that he had fallen asleep and hoped that he hadn't missed her then. He could see the front entrance of the hotel, as well as one other side of the building. If this was her hotel, she had probably entered on the side he couldn't see. That would be his luck. He was seriously thinking of giving up for now, so that he could go find some dinner, when he saw Macy walk out of the building. She was on the arm of another Real Madrid player.

" she was whoring around in Spain too. Not surprising." He said, even though he was alone.

Then he saw her, Audrey walking hand in hand with Sergio. Before he could figure out where they were headed, Audrey was pulled to the side of the building by the football player. Rolling down his window, he could here Audrey's laughter across the street. The laughter didn't last long though. Soon she was making out with the man, their hands all over each other.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Audrey had always been such a prude when they were together. Yeah, the sex had been okay, it was sex after all, but she would have never made out with him in public. Now, she was all but bent over, outside of a hotel, for this football player. Ramos had his hand up her dress, and there was no question what he was doing with that hand. Jake couldn't take it anymore, he was not going to sit here and watch this. He was going to stop it. Flinging open the car door, he stepped out. Before he could slam it shut, and make his way to the couple though, they separated and headed on their way, down the street.

He would wait. He would wait for them to come back, all night if he had to.

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