Chapter 27

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Sergio walked into Audrey's apartment and saw that she was sitting out on the balcony. He had stopped and grabbed some flowers on his way over here, a little housewarming gift he thought. He set them on the counter and headed out to the balcony. Leaning down, he kissed her on the cheek.

"Looks like you ladies got a lot done while I was away."

Audrey just stared back at him.

"When were you going to tell me?" she questioned.

"Tell you what?" he said, looking at her, confused.

"This, Sergio. When were you going to tell me about this?" She replied. She handed the phone to him, the video ready to be played.

Sergio pressed play and looked back at Audrey, then back down to the phone. After a moment he looked back at Audrey. He really didn't know what to say or how to explain what she had found.

"You didn't tell me you sang, let alone that you did it so well." Audrey smiled back at him.

"Well it isn't something that I really advertise all that often and I am definitely not a professional by any means." He laughed.

"I think that you sound amazing. Is there anything you can't do well?"

"Cook, but we have already established that." He said, handing the phone back to her.

"You play guitar too, I see."

"Yeah, music is kind of up there with horses. It makes me tick." He responded.

"Play for me sometime?" she asked.

"Sure, but don't ever do that again." He chuckled, running his fingers through his hair.

"Do what?"

"You made me think that you had really uncovered some kind of secret that I knew nothing about. How did you find that?"

"Google my friend, Google." She laughed as she climbed onto his lap and kissed him.

"What else did you find?"

"Videos of you and Diego Costa trying to kill each other."

"Pfffff....fuck that guy."

"I figured that would say something along those lines. I don't like his face." She said, laughing.

"Good. I don't like it either." He laughed.


"So about the car..." Sergio began.

Audrey looked across the table, waiting for him to continue, she rolled her eyes. They had been going around in circles every time this topic had come up.

She had cooked some pasta and they were eating on the balcony. They had invited Macy to join them, but she had said she was exhausted and was turning in early. Audrey thought she was probably just upset because Karim hadn't come here after practice.

"What about it?"

"I have another proposition for you."

"What would that be?"

"How much did you sell your car for before you came to Madrid?"

"$15,000." She answered.

"And you used some of that for this apartment correct?"


"Okay, I will sell you the RS5 for $1." He said, but he didn't seem to be joking.

"Really? That is almost as ridiculous as the kisses and a blow job deal you were trying to work." Audrey said.



"Then what would make you comfortable? I don't see a point in you going to a dealership when I have more than enough cars to go around. I don't like that you are not able to come and go as you please. I'm not always here to take you where you need or would like to go, babe. So what would make you comfortable? Name your price and I will accept it."

"$10,000....that is as low as I am willing to go."

"Deal. Only because that is as low as you are willing to go, though." He said, tossing her the keys. "I will need a ride home at some point though." He laughed.

"Oh, so you are at my mercy now?" She returned his laughter.

"I have been....ever since I punched that douche bag." He laughed.

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