Chapter 36

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Opening her eyes, Audrey instantly had a smile on her face as she listened to Sergio's soft snores beside her. She couldn't help but think about how far she had come in the last year. She was living in a beautiful place, had an amazing job, and was madly in love with a man that made her feel unlike she ever had before. He genuinely respected her and she never questioned his feelings for her. When he said that he loved her, Audrey knew that he meant it. Last night was a perfect example. What Sergio had done for her last night, had meant the world to her. As she lay there, she recalled the many years she had spent with Jake. He had always said that he loved her, but Jake had never done anything remotely close to what Sergio had done to prove that he actually felt as strongly as he said he did. Audrey had even heard rumors throughout her and Jake's relationship that he was cheating on her, multiple times. She had always been in denial, but deep down knew they were true.

Rising from the bed, she paused and admired Sergio a little longer as he slept. He deserved to be spoiled too, she thought. Quietly walking into his closet, she grabbed one of his button-down shirts and walked softly out of the room. The scene before her, made her laugh. Their clothing from the night before littered the hallway and down the stairs to the front door. Sergio had said when she got into the limousine that he couldn't wait to see her dress on his bedroom floor. He didn't get his wish; as the dress hadn't even made it to the bottom of the stairs. Deciding that she would gather the garments later, she made her way to the kitchen.

Audrey began collecting the ingredients to make omelets and started some coffee. She wanted to complete the task quickly so that she could serve Sergio breakfast in bed. If she fed him in bed, she was sure that it would be a piece of cake to keep him there all day, she thought, grinning to herself. Her sexy footballer had definitely awakened something within Audrey and she simply could not get enough of him.

Plating the meal, she was surprised when Sergio's hands grabbed her around the waist, pulling her against his body.

"Hey you." He said, inhaling deeply against her hair.

"Hey yourself. You were supposed to stay in bed....I was about to feed you." She said as she closed her eyes, losing herself in his closeness.

"Oh yeah? I am famished....but not necessarily for food, my queen..." he said deeply. Grabbing the shirt at the shoulders, Sergio slid if from Audrey's skin, letting it fall to the floor. He moved her hair to the side and pressed his lips to her neck, nibbling gently between kisses, sending a shiver through Audrey's entire body.

"Mmmmm....well breakfast is we should eat first and then...." She was interrupted by Sergio turning her head to capture her mouth.

Pulling back abruptly, Sergio backed away and grabbed the plates that Audrey had prepared.

"Well then, hurry up....let's eat. We have things to do." He said seriously, heading to the back yard, still naked from the night before.

With weak knees, Audrey followed her king outside.


Monday had came entirely too fast for Audrey's liking and now she sat at her desk, studying the upcoming event schedule of various youth events that The Foundation was hosting. She was expected to attend all of them, mainly to oversee that they ran smoothly and to give the other staff direction on the things that needed to be done to ensure that they did. She would also be expected to mingle with the many donors that would also be in attendance. Some of the schedule actually surprised her. She had been unaware, but apparently, she was expected to spend two weeks in the U.S. at the end of this month and the first week of next month. Real Madrid was playing in the International Champions Cup at that time, and they were hosting a youth camp in each of the cities they would be playing in.

Audrey was excited that she wouldn't be away from Sergio completely during that time, but she was prepared for the time she would have with him to be minimal, much like it had been in France.

There was also the annual fundraising gala next month, which she was aware of. She was also pretty sure that she had a date for the event. Smiling, she looked forward to getting all dressed up with Sergio again, recalling how incredible he had looked in a suit the other night.

Clearly, work was about to get crazy, but she was ready to jump in head first and prove that this is where she was meant to be and that they had hired the right person.


How had that bitch managed to get Sergio Ramos? She looked like such a bore. There was nothing exotic about her and Sergio deserved someone exotic, someone that could keep him on his toes and keep him guessing. I am much better WAG material, she thought to herself.

Camila continued scrolling through the images on her computer that she had pulled up on the internet. There were so many pictures of Sergio and Audrey that it made her want to vomit. That should be her on his arm and her kissing him in pictures after a big win, not that basic bitch Audrey King, she thought to her self.

Glaring in the direction of Audrey's office, she started thinking. What would the Board Members think if they thought that Audrey was using one of Real Madrid's biggest stars to get ahead here at The Foundation? Of course, Camila knew that wasn't the case, because there were pictures of the two of them together before Audrey had even been hired, but a couple of set up pictures could tell a different story, right?

Smiling inwardly, Camila knew that she had to come up with a plan and when she did, it was sure to end in her favor. Audrey King would go back to America where she belonged and Sergio Ramos would be in her bed and on her arm.

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