Chapter 44

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"Is this the Jake that I think it is? The Jake that calls himself a man, but doesn't know the first fucking thing about what it means to be a man? The Jake that thinks he can treat a woman like shit and that still makes him a man?" Sergio asked, his voice getting louder with each question.

Macy reached out, trying to catch Sergio's arm, but he breezed right past her. He was making his way straight for Jake, but luckily, Karim was able to step in front of him, stopping him from reaching his target.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jake asked, trying to appear clueless.

"It doesn't matter who I am. It does matter though, that you are a piece of shit that should be taken outside and taught a lesson." Sergio responded, trying to loosen Karim's grip on his arm so that he could reach Jake. Karim only tightened his grip and proceeded to back Sergio even farther away.

Jake let out a laugh, as if inviting Sergio to act on his threat.

"You stop!" Macy yelled, pointing her finger in Jake's face. "Everything he said is true, so you stop!"

Macy walked over to Sergio and Karim. She had to get Sergio out of here before this got really ugly and there would be no way to hide the fact that Jake was here from Audrey.

"Hey, Ramos! Get it together! Go back to Audrey. I will handle him. He isn't worth it."

Sergio looked at her and then back to Jake. Taking a breath, he shook his head.

"You're right....that piece of shit isn't worth it. So yeah...I will go back to Audrey and make sure she knows just how SPECIAL she is to me!" He made sure to look directly into Jake's eyes as he said it.

"Don't you dare move!" Macy said to Jake as she turned to follow Sergio down the hall.

When she caught up with him at the elevator, he turned to face her.

"What is he doing here? Does Audrey know that he is here?" He asked. Macy could hear emotion in his voice and she knew that it wasn't only anger. He looked scared, like he was afraid that if Audrey knew Jake was here, he would lose her. Macy wanted to shake him and tell him that Audrey wasn't going anywhere. In Spain, with Sergio was where Audrey belonged and Macy would do whatever she had to do to make sure that her friend stayed there.

"He says he is here for work and no, as far as I know she doesn't know." Macy answered.

They stood in silence for a moment. Macy was afraid that Sergio would take off for the lobby again, so she reached out and pressed the button to the elevator.

"Sergio, let me handle this. Maybe we shouldn't tell Audrey that he is here. It will only upset her. I am not about keeping secrets from her, but I think we can both agree that maybe this is a secret we should keep between the three of us. Don't you agree?"

Sergio stared back at her before nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, I guess....Yeah....I won't say anything. Just promise me something."

"What's that?"

"Make sure Karim is with you while you talk to him. I don't trust that guy....and what the hell is he doing with that Camila bitch? They were drinking in the bar when I came down to get this." He said, holding the Heineken up. "I am glad I didn't know who he was then....I would probably be sitting in jail right about now."

"I promise. I will keep Benzy with me at all times." She said, smiling weakly at Sergio.

"Benzy....really? You two are pathetic." He said laughing, before stepping into the elevator to make his way back to Audrey.


Walking towards the room, Sergio's mind was wandering in a million directions. He really wanted to go back down and kick Jake's ass, but thought better of it. That would only get him into trouble and he didn't need that. There was another thing that he couldn't stop thinking about since he had confronted Jake in the lobby. What was he doing with Camila? He was used to women throwing themselves at him because of who he was and what he did, so he really hadn't given Camila's actions from this afternoon in the tunnel a second thought. Now though, seeing her with Audrey's ex, made him worry. This could be a sign of trouble brewing and he knew that he needed to watch Audrey closer, to make sure that she was safe at all times. He wouldn't let anything come between him and Audrey.

As soon as he walked into the room, all of his worrisome thoughts disappeared. Audrey stood in front of him completely naked.

"Hey, baby. What took you so long? I have been waiting forever...." Audrey said, walking towards Sergio. She reached out and pulled him closer by the belt loop on his jeans.

"I ran into Isco. He wouldn't shut up...." He said, taking in the sight of Audrey before him.

"Well, I will be sure to voice my displeasure to Isco tomorrow....but right now....I have other priorities." She stated, smiling up at Sergio mischievously.

Audrey turned Sergio's body and backed him up. She winked at him, causing him to laugh. She gently pushed him, so that he was sitting on the bed. Running her fingers through his hair, she leaned down and kissed him with heightened passion, biting his lower lip gently. Sergio let out a low moan, clearly pleased with the greeting. Releasing his mouth, Audrey fell to her knees and began undoing his jeans, smiling up at the surprised, yet encouraging look on his face.


"You need to leave."

"I am not even here for the reasons you think. I didn't know Audrey was here." Jake lied, unable to look directly at Macy as he said the words.

Macy knew that every word out of his moth was a lie, but she wanted this drama to be over, so she would just let it go. She really didn't like how Camila just stood there, watching everything happen as if it was a scene playing out in a movie. She had an arrogant grin on her face the entire time and Macy really wanted to slap it off of her.

"Well then, we are done here. Right?"

"Sure." Jake said, shrugging.

"Good night then." Macy said, turning to walk away, still eyeing him suspiciously.

As her and Karim began walking away, towards the elevators, Jake began to laugh. Macy stopped in her tracks and turned to face him again.

"What is so funny?"

"The fact that you were able to turn sweet, innocent Audrey into a whore like you is some feat. You should get a medal." He snickered.

Macy stumbled, as Karim gently moved her out of his way. Before Macy could stop him, Karim's fist was making contact with Jake's smug face.


"Do you realize how much harder you just made all of this?" Camila spat, as she handed Jake ice for his face. He was sitting on her bed silently. He looked like he didn't care that he had just made it more difficult. Maybe she was wrong about him. Clearly getting Audrey back was not as important to him as getting Sergio was to her.

"You said yourself it wasn't going to be what difference does it make?"

"I know, but I thought we could get it done before the team traveled to Ann Arbor, Michigan in a couple of days. Now there is no way that is happening." She whined.

Jake sighed. He really had screwed things up, but it wasn't totally his fault. If Macy hadn't seen him, everything would have been fine.

"You're right and there is no way I can go to Ann Arbor. That would be too obvious." He said, motioning for Camila to come sit next to him.

"Then you will just have to come to my date for a work event coming up. We can say that we fell in love while we were here. Sergio, Karim, and that horrid woman with Karim saw us could be believable." Camila said. She climbed into Jakes lap, straddling him.

Jake didn't turn down her advance, but adjusted his position on the bed as he thought about what she was saying.

"Okay...." he answered. Before he could continue the conversation, Camila covered his body with her own, as she reached over to turn off the light.

With My Heart Wide OpenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz