Chapter 41

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Lowering himself back into the car, Jake was startled when he saw a woman sitting in the passenger seat.

"What the fuck?!"

"Did I scare you?" she asked with a child like giggle.

"Uhhh....yeah. Who are you and what are you doing in my car?" He wasn't in the mood for any bullshit. He had to figure out what to do when Audrey returned to the hotel. He didn't have time for this.

"I can help you, you know. We could help each other." The woman said, ignoring Jake's previous question.

"Help each other with what?" Jake eyed her suspiciously. He was beginning to think that maybe the scantily clad woman was a prostitute just looking to make a few bucks. She was attractive in an exotic sort of way, with dark features and long black hair. She had dark brown, almost black eyes that stared back at him seductively.

She half smiled at him as he watched Jake look her up and down. This guy would be easy to place in her pocket. He looked desperate enough, that he might do just about anything to get Audrey back.

"I am Camila....and I can see that we both want something that isn't ours. What were you going to do when you interrupted their little public porno?"

"I hadn't decided yet. I would have figured it out when I got there." Jake said, glaring at Camila.

"He would have kicked the shit out of you, you know that right? Sergio Ramos doesn't fuck around....especially when it comes to Audrey. I already tried."

Jake just stared at her.

"He is head over heels in love with her...and the feeling appears to be mutual or at least that is what it looks like....but there has to be a weakness there somewhere. We just have to find it. If we work together, we might be able to crack them. I have access to just about every aspect of little Miss Audrey's new life. It will be hard as hell, but if we work together...."

"What did you have in mind?" Jake interrupted her. He was willing to do anything to get Audrey back. He would even settle for just making her miserable. If she could be even a little bit as miserable as he had been since he found out she had packed up and moved to Spain, he would be pleased. He could settle for Audrey being miserable if that was all he could accomplish.

"Buy me a drink and let's talk." Camila said, pointing towards the hotel. "Maybe after a few drinks.....and after we come up with a plan....we can work out some of our frustrations." She said, placing her hand on his thigh and flashing him her room key.


Dinner with Sergio and his teammates was starting to be one of Audrey's favorite things. She enjoyed the playful banter between the men and enjoyed the company of the other wives and girlfriends. Most of them were actually fun to be around, not pretentious and unbearable like she had feared.

Sergio was currently deep in conversation with Isco. Actually, he was busy slowly moving his hand up Audrey's leg. The conversation with Isco was just a cover up. Audrey swatted his hand away, causing Sergio to look at her with a wink. Audrey shot him a smile, but warned him with her eyes. She was hoping that dinner would wrap up soon, she was exhausted, but was ready to be alone with him and clearly he was ready to be alone as well.

"I have to go to the restroom, baby. I will be right back." Sergio said as he pressed a kiss to her cheek and left the table.

She nodded, looking over in Macy's direction. Her friend looked like she was glowing. Pregnancy definitely looked good on her, even though she wasn't showing yet. She wasn't sure if anyone else in the room knew that Karim and Macy were expecting, but soon enough they would all know. Macy also looked utterly blissful. The way she looked up at Karim as he stood, with hearts in her eyes, made Audrey smile.

Audrey looked around the room, trying to spot Sergio returning from the restroom. She was interrupted when she heard a knife clinking against a glass, garnering the attention of everyone in the room. When she looked up, her hand shot to her mouth.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" She said, jumping to her feet. The gasps and cheers from everyone in the room, only added to the excitement rolling through her like a wave.

He was on one knee; presenting a huge diamond to the woman he hoped would agree to spend her life with him.

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