Chapter 13

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Sergio had a hard time containing his surprise. Audrey's lips were on his, something that he had imagined more times than he cared to admit, since he had handed her the whiskey she ordered last night.

He leaned into her kiss, cupping her chin in his hand. The kiss was soft, but he sensed an element of passion lying underneath the cover of tenderness. He deepened the kiss, fully expecting Audrey to pull away. Instead, she welcomed it, inviting more. She slowly parted her lips, allowing Sergio to kiss her with more passion, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

The couple was lost in the moment until Audrey abruptly pulled away.

"What is that smell?"

Sergio looked down, realizing their mistake. Lost in the moment, they had forgotten about the cake. Now melted wax covered the entire top of the small, chocolate cake and the smell of burnt wax and frosting filled the air.

"Poor cake never had a chance." he laughed.

"I'm sorry." Audrey answered, biting her lip.

"Sorry for what?

"Ruining the cake. It was very thoughtful and I ruined it."

"Baby, you didn't ruin anything. That kiss was worth more than a hundred chocolate cakes. I bought the cake at a bakery and if I am going to be completely honest with you, I didn't even cook the dinner. I had it catered. My cooking is less than impressive and that is all I wanted to do was impress you." he said, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Audrey stared back at him, trying not to laugh. He was so cute. Everything about him was amazing. Sergio seemed so tough, so perfect, when in reality, he was just a normal guy who struggled to uphold a persona that everyone expected him to uphold. She decided then, that maybe she did have something to offer him. Herself, exactly as she was. Imperfections, mediocrity, and all of her insecurities, she would lay them out. He clearly had his own insecurities that he struggled with and she would embrace them to the best of her ability.

Looking into his eyes, she stood up. Stepping up onto her toes, she placed her hands on either side of his face, and resumed the kiss that had been interrupted by the ruined cake. Except this time, it was she that kissed him with a level of passion that surprised them both. She needed to take a chance and tonight she would do just that.


Sergio slowly backed Audrey towards the house, not breaking the bond that was held by their lips. Grabbing her hips, he lifted her, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist. Moving into the house, he made his way towards the stairs. Breaking the kiss, trying to catch his breath, he spoke.

"I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything you don't want to, Audrey. You just say the word and this can be stopped at anytime."

"Shut up, Ramos." she answered, capturing his lips once again.

Sergio continued up the stairs, turning into his bedroom. He slowly set her on the floor, immediately missing the warmth of her body on his. Backing up, he stared down at the beautiful woman before him. Reaching out and brushing the blonde hair from her face, he reached around her waist with his other arm and pulled her to him.

"You take my breath away, Audrey. You are absolutely magnificent."

Audrey didn't say a word. Everything that she was thinking shown in her eyes. The desire was something she was unable to hide. She reached up, resting her hand on his chest, before reaching down to grab the bottom of his shirt. Slowly, as if waiting for him to protest, she proceeded to lift it up over his head, tossing it to the floor next to them. She was not prepared for the sight that stood before her. If she thought that Sergio was the most beautiful man in the world before, she stood corrected. She couldn't believe that the man standing in front of her was even real. He grinned at the look on her face, anticipating the beauty he was sure to find under her clothing.

Working his fingers on the buttons of her shirt, he removed it to reveal a black lace bra, covering her ample breasts.

"Holy shit, Audrey. You are gonna kill me."

Giggling, Audrey backed up until she felt the bed hit the back of her legs. Reaching out, she caught Sergio's arm and pulled him on top of her, surrendering herself to him completely.


The sunshine of morning woke Audrey. She opened her eyes, quickly realizing that Sergio was not beside her. Frowning, she sat up. Hearing the shower running in the adjoined bathroom, she picked up Sergio's shirt from the night before and slipped it on. Walking into the bathroom, she stopped, and watched as Sergio showered in the large glass shower before her. She still couldn't believe that that was what she had got to sample last night. Even though it had been mind blowing, she was sure that it had been just a sample of all that Sergio had to offer. Audrey had never felt more beautiful or cherished.

Sergio turned to see Audrey watching him, a smile immediately making it's way to his face.

"Good morning, beautiful. Care to join me?"

Walking towards the shower, Audrey slid the shirt from her body. In the past, she would have been self conscious to be on display in this way, but with Sergio it was different. The way he looked at her, showed her that he liked what he saw. She stepped into the shower, brushing against him, as she moved past him.

He immediately took her into his arms, capturing her mouth. He kissed her for a moment before moving his lips to her neck.

"I had hoped we would spend the day in bed." Audrey stated.

"Not today, baby. I have training today. Gotta be there in an hour." he answered, as he moved his lips down her neck, grazing his tongue across her collar bone.

"Mmmm...well, then you should probably stop doing that or you won't be going anywhere anytime soon."

"Honey, you underestimate my abilities." he said, as he gently backed her up to the shower wall.


"I'm afraid that I won't have time to drop you off at the hotel. You can thank your seductive ways for that." he said with a smile.

"My seductive ways? Were we in the same shower? " she responded, a playful smile plastered to her face. Sergio laughed.

"Car keys are there." he pointed to the cabinet by the door leading to the garage. "Please take any car you would like if you want to go back to the hotel, or stay here. Make yourself at home and I will be back in a few hours. Maybe, go pick up Macy and spend the day here if you would like. Each car has GPS so you should be able to get there and back pretty easily." he said with a wink.

Leaning over, he kissed her and then walked out the door.  Audrey looked around until she spotted her phone on the kitchen counter. Picking it up, she dialed Macy.

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