Chapter 63

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Audrey opened the door to greet her best friend, who was running up the steps towards Sergio's house. Even though it hadn't been that long since she had seen Macy, the last time hadn't really been under the best circumstances. 

"Oh my God, Audrey...I thought you had run away forever!" Macy exclaimed as she pulled the other woman into a hug.

"You worry too much." Audrey replied with a small laugh. 

She didn't want to admit to anyone that if Sergio hadn't came to the U.S to get her, she might have never came back to Madrid. The fear of Sergio being hurt had been too great, but luckily, Sergio had been able to put most of her fears to rest. She was still a little on edge where Jake was concerned, but definitely felt better now that she knew they had a security team looking out for them.

"I had every right to worry. Audrey, I was so upset after I saw you leaving and after what I had seen in the bathroom...I had a hard time even telling Karim and Sergio because I was such a mess. You have no clue how relieved I am that you are okay...and how happy I am that you are here right now." 

"Thank you for telling Sergio. I don't think I could have told him what was going on, on my own." 

"I will always be here for you, know that. I hope that you aren't too mad at me for not telling you about Jake being in Columbus." Macy said, biting her lip. She knew that Audrey had every right to be mad at all of them for not telling her. Maybe if they would have told her, all of this could have been prevented. 

"I wish you guys would have told me, but I don't know that it would have changed anything. Just promise me you won't keep anything like that from me again." She said as she smiled at her friend. 

She didn't want Macy, Karim, or Sergio to feel like any of this was their fault. It wasn't anyone's fault, because Jake was just crazy. He had definitely turned into a completely different person than the Jake that Audrey had spent so many years with. He wasn't the best person in the past, but now, he was downright deranged. 

"I promise. No more secrets...ever!" Macy said, hugging her friend again. 

The girls proceeded to walk out into the back yard, where Sergio and Karim were talking about the events of the last few days. Audrey was lucky to have such great people in her life. Her best friend was one of her biggest supporters and Audrey didn't know where she would be if she didn't have Macy. Karim was so great to Macy and Audrey was thankful that the couple had been able to iron out their issues. Audrey was so excited for them to have the baby and get married. They were absolutely perfect for each other and Audrey was grateful that they had found one another. Most importantly, she had Sergio, who was the love of her life and hands down, her rock. They were both looking forward to everything calming down so that they could focus on themselves for a while, not to mention, planning their own wedding. That was the light at the end of the tunnel and Audrey couldn't wait to walk down the aisle. 


"Has she called you yet?" Camila asked.

Jake had known that he would have to fib a little bit about what had happened between him and Audrey at her apartment. He had told Camila that Sergio had fallen for the staged photographs and had left Audrey. Camila had been ready to pounce on the footballer right away, but Jake had told her to give it some time. Since Camila thought her reward was ready and waiting, he had explained to her that she couldn't make a move on Sergio until Audrey called him, needing him for comfort. He had convinced her that she would surely call him when Sergio didn't take Audrey back after she begged him to. Camila had reluctantly agreed, but Jake could tell that she was beginning to lose her patience. 

"No. Don't you think I would have told you if she had?" Jake snapped back. 

He was getting really tired of Camila. She was just a gold-digging whore, who wanted a football player. She didn't care who it was, Jake was sure of that, so he wasn't sure why she was so obsessed with getting Ramos. Nightly, she was out throwing herself at anyone she thought could possibly be somebody or be connected to somebody, mainly football players. As far as Jake was concerned, Camila had served her purpose by getting him here to Madrid and as soon as knew for sure he could carry out his plans without her, he would cut her loose. 

"I don't think she is going to call you." Camila said, breaking into his thoughts. 

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"Because she isn't here anymore."

"What the fuck do you mean she isn't here anymore!?" Jake shouted. 

He moved closer to Camila, causing her to back up slightly. 

"Well...she hasn't been at work all week and I heard some people saying that she went back to the U.S."

"How long have you known this?" He sneered, glaring at Camila. 

"Obviously since know...when she didn't show up to work." She said, rolling her eyes. 

Jake couldn't control his anger and before he knew what he was doing, his palm was making contact with Camila's cheek. She flinched at the slap, but stood there, glaring back at Jake. Jake stared back at her, trying to control his temper. He had wasted so much time watching Audrey's apartment, waiting to see if Ramos came back. It hadn't occurred to him that the lack of activity meant she wasn't there at all. He had been drunk most of the time, so maybe that was why he failed to notice. Honestly, he had thought that Audrey was so miserable, that she was wallowing is self pity and not even leaving her bed. 

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have hit you...but do you understand my frustration? You have known since Monday and it is Friday. Camila, are you taking this seriously anymore? This was all your idea...remember?" 

Camila didn't reply, she only stood there. 

"Answer me, Camila!" 

"Yes, I am taking it seriously, but you said it was over with and we just had to wait." Camila answered. Her voice had began to shake and her eyes were beginning to show a small amount of emotion.  

"Where does Ramos live?" 

"I don't know." Camila said, turning to walk away.

Jake caught her arm and spun her back to face him. 

"Don't lie to me! You had the fucking pictures delivered there. Now, tell me where the fuck he lives!" He began shaking her, urging her to give him the information that he wanted. 

"Fine I will tell you...just take your fucking hands off of me, Jake!" 

"You are such a sweet girl, Camila. You know any man would be lucky to have you." Jake said as he released her and pressed a kiss to her lips, gently stroking the mark on her cheek.

He pulled away and gave her a smile. Just as he predicted, Camila softened to him and returned the smile. 

"I am sorry I got rough with you, but you can't withhold information from me, baby. We both want what we want...and if you aren't telling me what I need to know...well then we both lose. Now, let's go to off a little of this stress....and then tomorrow...we will go finish the Audrey and Ramos situation." He said as he began kissing Camila's neck. 

She immediately opened herself to his advances, taking his hand, she pulled him towards her bedroom.  

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