Chapter 55

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Audrey tried to avert Jake's eyes so that he would not see the fear that was coursing through her veins. She knew that Jake was a different Jake when he showed up on her doorstep, but she didn't know just how different. No matter how horrible he had been when they were together, he had never laid a finger on her. Yes, there were times that she had feared he might, but he had never followed through, even though he had threatened her many times, usually after he had been drinking. Now, he had instilled a whole new level of unease into her that she had never felt before. She was truly afraid that he would harm her and she was at his mercy until Sergio could arrive. 

She stepped to the side, trying to push her way past Jake, but she wasn't quick enough to get by. In her panicked state, Jake's reflexes were too much for her's. As soon as she stepped to flee the kitchen, he grabbed her by the arm. His grasp digging into her flesh, he threw her up against the wall, knocking the breath from her lungs. Pinning her against the solid form, he wrapped his hands around her neck and looked her square in the eyes, the smell of stale beer and cigarettes permeating from him. She tried to use what strength she could muster, even though she was finding it harder and harder to breath, to take hold of his arms. When that failed, she tried to knee him in the groin, but he knew what she was trying to do and swiftly backed up so that she would miss. Even when he backed away from her, his grasp stayed firm around her neck.

"Audrey...Audrey...Audrey...there is no use trying to fight me. I am much stronger...don't be stupid. I would hate to have to mess up that beautiful face of yours. Now...are you ready to talk to me like an adult, or would you like to have a little more fun? From your phone conversation, I would assume that we don't have long...right? Your perfect little boyfriend is on his way?" He seethed with every word that he spoke. The look on his face made it appear as if he was actually enjoying this and Audrey began to panic even more. 

Audrey shook her head up and down rapidly, her eyes pleading with him to let her go. She was starting to feel light headed and knew that if he didn't remove his hands soon, she was sure to pass out. Suddenly, Jake released her from his clutches, but not before spinning her around and violently throwing her to the ground. Audrey laid there, gasping for air and trying to figure out what to do. Her mind was jumbled, the lack of oxygen preventing her from thinking clearly. So she just laid there, praying that Jake wouldn't kick her while she was down.

"SIT UP! I WANT YOU TO LISTEN TO ME! SIT THE FUCK UP, AUDREY!" Jake screamed as he reached down to pull her to a sitting position.  He grabbed her face, moving it so that he could look her dead in the eyes.

"Go change your clothes...may I suggest something with a scarf. If Sergio shows up here before I am gone, you are not to say a fucking you understand me? You will say that this was just a friendly visit and leave it at it!?"

Audrey shook her head, starting to regain logical thinking as tears began to spill from her eyes. She grabbed the edge of the counter so that she could rise to her feet. 

" me on the balcony. I am taking this...don't try anything funny. Got it?" Jake said grabbing her phone from the counter and standing in front of the front door. 

Making her way to her bedroom, she felt hopeless. There was nothing she could do at this point. She quickly changed her shirt and grabbed a matching scarf. As she looked in the mirror, before wrapping the scarf around her neck, she could already see the hand prints starting to bruise. She thought that maybe Jake had gone to the balcony and she would be able to slip out the front now, but poking her head out of the bedroom, she saw that he still stood guard. Walking out into the living room in defeat, she didn't stop to wait for him, instead choosing to go straight to the balcony and taking a seat in one of the chairs. 

Jake was quick to follow, plopping down in the chair opposite her. He stared at her for a moment before he finally spoke. 

"I am sorry that I had to do that, Audrey...but I need you to understand what I am capable of. I also need you to listen to me closely, because I will only say this once. I won't even wait for a response...I will say what I have to say and then I will leave. The rest...well the rest will be up to you. The ball will be in your court I guess you could say." Jake said, a vile laugh escaping his lips. 

Audrey just sat there, unable to move. For a fleeting moment, she contemplated throwing herself off of the balcony, in hopes that she wouldn't be too injured. They were on the sixth floor, so that probably wouldn't be the best idea; as she would surely die. At least I am thinking somewhat clearly, she thought to herself. She turned her attention back to Jake, wanting him to say what he had to say so he would leave. 

"Remember, Audrey...I will only say this once and then it is up to you. See, Audrey...I don't necessarily want you for my own. You aren't good enough for me, but we have already established that, haven't we? The problem here is, I don't want anyone else to have you either...especially someone like that motherfucker, Sergio Ramos. So here is how it is going to be. You will break up with him...and I mean it...not next week...not will break up with him today. If you don't well....let's just would be really unfortunate for Mr. El Capitan to come into contact with...oh I don't know...a baseball bat to the knee or something else that could really hurt him...maybe end his wonderful soccer career. I am not joking, Audrey. I want you to be as fucking miserable as I have been since you rejected me...twice! Do it...or it won't be pretty. You have a good day, beautiful...I will see you soon." 

Jake removed himself from the chair and threw her phone into her lap. 

"Oh...and don't be a stupid bitch and call the cops when I leave...or tell Sergio what is going on...I don't want to have to hurt YOU again. I didn't really enjoy that...but I will do what I have to do."

As soon as she heard the front door close, she began to cry uncontrollably. Pulling her knees to her chest, she wrapped her arms around herself. How could Jake do this to her? How could she choose her own safety over Sergio's? She loved Sergio more than life itself and now, it looked like she had a choice to make. 

With My Heart Wide OpenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon