Chapter 35

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Audrey took one last look in the mirror and was pleased with the reflection she saw staring back at her. The dress hugged her curves perfectly; her hair had actually done what she had wanted it to do, and the shoes made her look like she had legs for days. She was pretty short, especially compared to Sergio, so the illusion that she did have legs for days was definitely a plus. She smiled at the thought of the beautiful garments that were concealed underneath the dress and had a feeling that Sergio would be very satisfied with his selections. Looking at her watch she saw that it was time to head downstairs.

Leaving her apartment, her stomach was jumping with anticipation. This was the most exciting thing to happen to her and she didn't even truly know what was happening. Everything about it was so mysterious. She was given a package containing the outfit she was supposed to wear and told she would be picked up downstairs. Who knew what else he had planned, but she did know that she was the luckiest girl in the world right now.

Exiting the apartment, she looked up to see a black limousine waiting in front of the building. Wow, Ramos, you went all out, she thought to herself. As she walked closer, she saw her handsome footballer waiting for her, dressed in a suit and her breath caught. He looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Good evening, beautiful." Sergio said, greeting her with a kiss.

"Good evening to you too, gorgeous." She answered, still trying to catch her breath.

"You, my love, are the most gorgeous thing here. That let's just say that it looks amazing on you, but I can't wait until it is laying on my bedroom floor." He purred with a wink.

His tone caused Audrey to wish that they could just go straight to Sergio's house and forget about the rest of the evening. Sergio opened the door though, and it became clear that that her wish wouldn't be coming true. Upon entering the vehicle, Sergio handed Audrey a glass of champagne, kissing her again.

"You are late."

"Only a minute or so, it takes a lot of effort to look this good." She laughed.

"You could have showed up in your pajamas and you would have still looked ravishing."

Audrey rolled her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, Ms. King. You are already on thin ice because you are late. I believe the invitation said 7:00 and you came down at 7:03. Now you are rolling your eyes at me. I might have to punish you." Sergio growled into her ear while placing kisses up and down her neck.

"Oh, that sounds like fun. Let's do that." Audrey said, squirming.

"Nope. We have things to do and all of that will have to wait, even though....I cannot wait to see the beauty that is underneath that dress."

Audrey laughed and before she knew it, the limousine came to a stop. The driver came around and opened the door. Sergio helped Audrey out of the car and led her to the door of a building. Audrey looked at him, confused. The building looked abandoned. It wasn't a restaurant and there didn't look like there was any form of life inside.

"What is this?" She asked.

"You will see."


Entering the building, they immediately entered an elevator. Sergio reached over and pressed "15", smiling at Audrey. When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, he led her down a small hallway and up a small flight of stairs. Opening the door, he allowed Audrey to step through the opening. She quickly realized that they were on the roof of the building, as the night air hit her nostrils. She could smell the sweet smell of the Spanish evening, mixed with roses. Upon further investigation, she saw that the area was lit up and what appeared to be a hundred roses of various colors placed throughout the romantic setting. The focal point however, was a small table for two, candlelight casting a magnificent glow.

"Wow, Sergio. Did you do all this?"

"Well I employed the help of some friends and such, but yes....and it is all for you, my love."

Turning to him, with tears in her eyes, she threw her arms around his neck.

"Thank you. This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. I love you, Sergio!"

"You are welcome and I love you too, but come. The night is just beginning." He said, leading her to the table.

Taking her seat, a server immediately came out and poured champagne.

"Dinner will be served momentarily, Mr. Ramos and Ms. King." He stated, before disappearing out of sight.

During the delicious dinner of perfectly prepared steak and vegetables, the couple enjoyed wonderful conversation. Sergio couldn't help but being lost in the twinkle of laughter in Audrey's eyes. He had never been this happy and to see Audrey so happy, made him feel even happier. After dinner had been cleared, they were informed that dessert would be served soon. Sergio moved his chair next to Audrey's and took her hand.

"Baby, I have something for you. I want you to know that you are the most beautiful woman in the world and that you mean the world to me." He said, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a long, black velvet box. He opened the box, delighted to see the look on Audrey's face. Inside the box was a platinum locket, with diamonds and sapphires decorating the piece of jewelry.

With a look of awe on her face, Audrey took the piece from Sergio, admiring its beauty.

"I have always wanted a locket. This is beautiful, Sergio."

"Open it." Sergio said, nervously.

Opening the locket, Audrey's eyes instantly filled with tears. Inside the locket was a picture of her mother, Sara. Looking up at Sergio through the tears, she threw herself into his arms. He held her, still unsure if this was a good idea or not. He had definitely taken a chance when he had found the picture while he was looking through her closet for sizes this morning and had decided to find this locket to put it in.

"I don't know what to say, Sergio. This is all so amazing....and this locket...this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, both inside and out."

"I am glad you like it. I figured this way; she will be even closer to your heart, always."

Audrey hugged him even tighter, trying to compose herself, but failing miserably. Sergio looked at his watch and knew that it was time for his next surprise.

"Come with me, love. Let's go over here and look at the city."

Audrey followed him, still trying to calm her emotions. Arriving at the other side of the roof, Sergio pointed towards the sky. Looking up, she was surprised when she saw fireworks. Looking up at Sergio, he smiled.

"It's all for you, baby. I love you, Audrey."

"Thank you. I love you too." She said through tears.

Audrey cuddled into Sergio's side as they enjoyed the most spectacular fireworks show that Audrey had ever seen and she knew that she was right where she was supposed to be.

AN: I just want to say thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting! It means a lot! I hope that you are all enjoying the story of Audrey and Sergio so far....there is plenty more to come!

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