Chapter 65

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Sergio would never admit it to Audrey, but he had been a nervous wreck since the moment she had walked out the front door. Not being with her, making sure she was safe, had drove him crazy. He didn't want to stop her from living her life, but until he was sure that Jake was out of Madrid, he didn't want to take any chances. Not only had he called Rene to tell them where the two women would be dining so that he could relay the information to the security team, he had insisted that Audrey take a different car than either of them normally drove. He had tried not to pester her with messages, not wanting to interrupt her time with Macy, but had finally broken down and called her. He was relieved to hear her voice and that she was on her way home. Audrey would be returning to work in a couple of days and he knew that he would have to trust that the security detail would do their jobs. He couldn't be with her one hundred percent of the time and the crazier his own schedule got, the harder it would be.

The more that he thought about what Jake had done to her, the angrier he got. He was afraid that it wouldn't get easier with time and the anger would never subside, especially as long as the poor excuse of a man was in Madrid. Periodically, Rene would get an update from the private investigator and he would pass them along to Sergio, but the last day or two, nobody had seen him. Maybe they would get lucky and Jake had decided to give up. Worst case was that he figured out that Audrey was no longer at the apartment and he was currently trying to come up with another plan or was actively trying to find her. Sergio prayed that the worst was over. He didn't trust himself if were to ever see the vile man again, unsure of what he would do to him exactly.

Ever since proposing to Audrey, he couldn't see living his life without the beautiful blonde that had stolen his heart in the club so many months ago. He had known since that night, that she was the one for him, but recently, the feeling had been even stronger. When she said on the phone that she wanted to elope because she couldn't wait to marry him, he had wanted more than anything to say yes. However, she deserved the world and that included a wedding meant for royalty, so eloping simply wasn't good enough. Sergio would do everything in his power, for the rest of his life, to ensure Audrey's happiness and in order for her to be happy, she had to be safe. Sergio needed Jake to leave Madrid and their lives completely, so that he and Audrey could move on. 

Hearing a car door close in the driveway, Sergio vacated his seat on the couch to make his way to the front door. Opening the door, his mood immediately brightened when he saw Audrey walking towards him. 

"There is my beautiful queen! I missed you!" He greeted her as he pulled her into his arms. 

"I wasn't gone that long, silly." She responded, playfully rolling her eyes at him.

"Any moment you aren't in my arms, is a moment that I miss you." He answered as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

"Oh, wow! You should really think about writing a romance novel...words like that would make any girl melt, Ramos." Audrey said laughing. 

"What? It is true...don't mock my feelings. You are lucky that such a masculine being, like myself, is willing to share his feelings so openly." Sergio responded, pretending to pout. 

"You are only saying such things because you want laid." She said as she reached out and cupped his chin. 

"That may or may not be true, but if I already said that I was getting laid, so your argument is invalid, King. Now come here..." 

Sergio pulled her to his chest, staring into her eyes, he softly brushed her hair out of her face. Audrey stepped onto her tip toes and pressed her lips to his. Before getting too lost in the kiss, she pulled back slightly so that she could speak. 

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