Chapter 29

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The excitement of the Real Madrid win carried on for days. The team held a party so that they could all celebrate together with their families and friends. The entire city of Madrid even celebrated the victory. Sergio was so busy that Audrey felt that she hadn't spent but a minute with him since they had returned from Italy. That wouldn't change anytime soon, unfortunately. He only had a couple of days before he had to report to Spain's National Team to train and head to France for the Euros.

Sergio was adamant that he wanted Audrey to travel to France. She wasn't sure that she should though. She really should be getting ready to start her new job, but she knew that it was important to Sergio that she be there to support him, so she had agreed. Besides, she had always wanted to visit France. She was a little sad that Macy wouldn't be going. Karim wouldn't be playing for his French National Team because of a minor injury that he had re-aggravated in the Champions League Final. They planned to take a vacation and Audrey was happy that they would have some time just the two of them.

There was a chance that if Spain did well, Audrey would have to return to Madrid before they were done playing. She was set to start her new job in a little over two weeks. However, Spain wasn't that lucky and hadn't been able to make it past Italy in the Round of 16.

Time spent with Sergio in France had been rare, but special none the less. What little time they had been able to spend while in France, were some of the best days that Audrey had ever experienced. It could have been the romance of the location or the fact that she felt like she didn't have a care in the world whenever she was with her sexy footballer. They had gone for a bike ride, enjoyed a romantic dinner at a sweet little restaurant, and she had even been able to watch him at some of the trainings, not to mention the matches.

When they returned from France, Audrey only had a few days before she started her new job. Sergio could tell that she was beginning to get nervous and had done everything he could to keep her mind occupied. They explored Madrid, with Sergio acting as a seasoned tour guide. Audrey had even become used to being followed by the paparazzi. She didn't like it, but she could deal with it. After all, it came with the territory of loving a footballer. They were comfortable with each other, more comfortable than either of them had ever been. Audrey was able to say for the first time that she was genuinely happy. Happy with where she was, who she was with, but most importantly, she was happy with who she was.


He had always been a sports fan. He followed many teams closely and many different sports. Soccer had always intrigued him. He didn't really have a favorite team he followed, but he always checked out the most important games. The Champions League Final had been fun to watch and now the Euros were taking place. He had always had a great respect for Cristiano Ronaldo. He was an exceptional athlete.

Opening his internet browser, he checked ESPN to see how Portugal was doing in the Euros. They were headed to the final and that made him happy. He would definitely try to watch that game. Browsing further, he came across an article about Ronaldo ripping a microphone out of the hands of a reporter and proceeding to throw it into the river. That is hilarious, he thought. Traveling farther into the depths of soccer news, he saw the headline:

"Spanish National Team and Real Madrid Captain, Sergio Ramos, Flaunts New Love"

"I bet she is hot, all those soccer players get the hottest women. Lucky bastards." He said to himself.

Clicking on the link, the picture he saw of Ramos kissing a beautiful blonde woman at the Champions League Final and then visiting various locations around France made his stomach drop.


Jake couldn't believe his eyes. Was that really Audrey? He knew damn well it was Audrey. He would recognize her anywhere. What the hell is she doing in Spain and France kissing a Spanish soccer player?

His blood boiling, he picked up his phone.

This wasn't really Audrey, was it? It was just another woman that resembled her. It had to be. He had left Audrey in Colorado after she had refused to come to California with him, for the second time. She had been a mess, blubbering like a baby, saying that she was ready to take a chance, but not with him.

Dialing Audrey's number, he became angrier at what he heard.

"The number you have dialed has been disconnected."

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