Chapter 66

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Sergio breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled Audrey's sleeping form closer to his side. After he and Audrey had made love, he had called the two remaining security guys, to make sure that they understood how important it was that they never let Audrey out of their sight. He told them that he would be with her at all times, until Rene could get a few more guys hired, but that their one priority until then was to be close to the two of them not matter what. He had been adamant that they should be within ear shot of her, especially if Sergio was not right by her side. If he was with her, he knew that she was safe because he would never let anything happen to her and they could be a little more lax, but not too much. They were being paid to do a job and he would not tolerate another scene like the one that had played out today during Audrey's lunch with Macy. 

Sergio fully understood that Audrey was safe and in his arms, but it could have been much different. Finding out that Jake had been able to get that close to the love of his life, knowing what he was capable of, terrified him to his core. He was thankful that Jake hadn't acted out in any way and he hated to think about what could have happened if Jake had decided to do something dreadful.

Burying his face into Audrey's hair, he inhaled her scent. He knew that he was doing all that he could right now to protect her and he would continue to do so, for the rest of his life. She deserved nothing but amazing things in life and he intended on giving her everything that she deserved. The only thing they had to do was to make it down this rough road they were currently traveling and when they came to the fork, they would be able to turn down another that would lead them to blissful happiness. Yes, they would get there, they just had to get through this. They would stick together and come out on top, he knew it. They had to, because Audrey was the one thing that grounded him. He would be the happiest man in the world, for the rest of his life, but only with Audrey by his side. 

Finally unable to fight off the exhaustion that he felt, he closed his eyes, still holding onto Audrey tightly. She was safe in his arms and he had no intention of letting her go. 


"You said that they have security now. Why do they have security? What if they catch us trying to get into the house?" Camila asked. 

"Why do you ask so many damn questions?" Jake snapped back at her. 

" me Jake. Why do we have to go to Sergio's in the middle of the night? I thought you said that Audrey and Sergio had broken up and everything was done and over with. Now you are talking about doing crazy things." She said, biting her lip with worry.

"It isn't crazy." 

"It is crazy! You want to break into his house. What you we going to do when we get there?"

"We aren't going to do anything...because you aren't going in. You are going to drive to the house...I am going to get out and then you will drive away. That should cause their security detail to follow see what you are up to and why you are driving by his house. I am just going to go tell Audrey how much better off she is with me than him." He said as he glanced at the woman. 

"Okay...I still don't understand why they have security and you haven't told me who beat you up. I am so confused...I have no idea what is going on...and you are scaring me. Besides, I doubt Audrey is just going to walk out on Sergio...for you." She said as she turned to walk away from the car. 

"Camila...come back here. You have no reason to be scared of me. If you have to know, I was jumped on the street and had my wallet stolen. It is embarrassing and that is why I don't want to talk about it. Now, back to what's important...she will leave him...I am the fucking love of her life..she is just sowing some wild oats. Now, are you ready to go?" 

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