Chapter 24

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"I just got here and you are leaving me already" Macy pouted, but Audrey knew that she was only kidding.

"Well, you just kinda came up."

Macy laughed.

"Yeah, well, why you and El Capitan are gallivanting to who knows where....Karim and I are locking ourselves away in his house. That flight was brutal...I have been here for two days and I still feel like I was hit by a bus....or three."

"I hear you. I am so glad I don't have to do that again anytime in the near future." Audrey replied.

"Did Sergio tell you where he is taking you yet?"

The girls were sitting in a small coffee shop, catching up on the past week, since they had been apart. Audrey felt like so much had happened in the short week since she had arrived in Madrid. She had found an unbelievable apartment, the car situation was still being negotiated with Sergio, but most importantly, she felt happier than she had in a long time. She knew that a lot of that had to do with Sergio. She was glad though, to have her best friend here. She didn't want Sergio to feel obligated to spend time with her since he was the only one she knew.

"Nope, he said it's a surprise. He won't even give me a hint. All he told me was that I should pack for two days. So I have no clue."

"Better enjoy the time while you can. It sounds like after this champions thing or whatever they have coming up it's only going to get crazier. Karim said there is some kind of crazy long tournament or something."

"Sergio mentioned it, but didn't go into too much detail. Did you decide what you are doing yet?"

"When?" she asked, taking a large gulp of her coffee.

"Like now....are you moving in with Karim? My apartment is amazing...I wouldn't mind a roomie. Just saying."

"We haven't really discussed it I guess. He hasn't really said anything that says he would prefer one scenario over the other." Macy answered, biting her lip.

"I am sure you will figure it out, but my place is open if you decide that that is what you want to do." Audrey smiled, reassuring her friend.


Audrey and Sergio had landed in Seville after a very short flight and were now driving down a long driveway. Audrey could see a sizeable house just out of view, as well as multiple other buildings that appeared to be barns of some sort.

"What is this place?" she asked.

"This is our destination, but you will see soon enough what it is." He answered; smiling at her while he stroked her hand with his thumb.

Audrey continued to enjoy the scenery as Sergio drove them down the driveway. They drove down a small hill, allowing everything to come into clear view. The house was gorgeous and the other buildings were definitely barns. Various corrals and fields surrounded the entire property. She could see multiple horses grazing around the property. Audrey glanced in Sergio's direction and saw a look of pure contentment on his face.

Bringing the car to a stop, Sergio got out and ran to Audrey's side to open her door. Stepping out of the car, she grabbed his hand and looked up at him.

"Is this a ranch or something?"

"Yes, this is a stud farm. Horses are bred and raised here. Some of the strongest and most beautiful horses have come off this farm."

"Do you know the owners?"

"Very well." He said laughing. "I am the owner. I would like to welcome you to the SR4 Stud Farm." He said.

Sergio's face was lit up with absolute joy. There was no doubt that this place was where Sergio came to get away, of that Audrey was sure. She looked around and took in the sights and smells. She felt a sense of peace. Being in Sergio's most favorite place with him brought her a new sense of happiness.

"Let's go drop our things in the house and then I will show you around."

"I can't wait!" She said, planting a kiss on his cheek.


After walking around the property, Sergio led Audrey into a barn with stalls lining each side. She could see various horses poking their heads out, trying to get a peek at the intruders that had interrupted the silence.

Opening a stall door, Sergio stepped inside, motioning for Audrey to follow him. Stepping inside, Audrey was in awe. Before her stood the most beautiful, white stallion she had ever seen. His size was intimidating, but he appeared to be very gentle as he greeted Sergio with a nicker and welcomed his touch.

"This is Aldeano. He is one of the studs that we use here for breeding."

"He is gorgeous." She said, reaching out and stroking his cheek.

"He is one of my favorite horses on the property. He was one of the very first colts that I produced here at the farm, so he will always hold a special place in my heart."

"How often do you get to spend time here?" she asked.

"Not nearly as often as I would like, but I try to enjoy it to the max when I am able to make it."

"When you said your favorite animal was a horse, I never imagined how serious you were." She said, smiling up at him. The happiness that shown in his eyes was contagious.

"I have loved horses ever since I can remember. I rode any chance I could throughout my childhood years. My parents say that I would freak out when I would even see a horse, begging to pet it and such. Football has given me the means to make one of my biggest passions and dreams a reality. I can see myself bringing my family here one day and living my days out here when I retire." The conviction in his voice brought tears to Audrey's eyes.

Audrey stepped onto her tip-toes and kissed Sergio gently. Sergio kissed her back, taking full delight in being here with this amazing woman that had came into his life only because some drunken man had decided to be a jerk. He had never been thankful for a drunken asshole before in his life, but he was at this moment.

Aldeano nudged the two apart, causing them to break out into laughter.

"I think someone is jealous that he is no longer the center of attention." Audrey giggled.

"He needs to calm down." Sergio said, as Aldeano nudged him again, this time with a snort.

Sergio knew there was no better time than now to tell Audrey just how important she had became to him. He reached out and grabbed her hand. Gathering his thoughts for a moment, he looked into her beautiful blue eyes.

"Audrey, I love you."

Tears sprang to her eyes. Did he really just say that? Audrey had never believed truer words, than the ones that had just left Sergio's lips.

"I love you too, Sergio."

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