Chapter 12

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"Will it upset you if I have Karim take me back to the hotel?" Macy asked.

The small group had enjoyed a delicious dinner during a beautiful Spanish sunset. The breeze had been a welcome reprieve from the heat of the day and had carried the laughter and conversation the group had shared through the air. Audrey couldn't think of any better way to spend the last hours of her birthday. She could tell though, that Sergio would have preferred that it been just the two of them. Even through her apprehension, she shared his desire for some alone time.

"No, it won't upset me, Macy. Am I to assume that it won't be safe for me to return to the hotel this evening?" Audrey asked, casting questioning eyes at her friend.

"You might want to shoot me a warning text if you do decide to return." she said with a wink. "However, I don't think you will be returning. I see the way that Sergio has been looking at you and I have a feeling that maybe he has dessert planned."

"Stop!" Audrey said, blushing. She playfully slapped her friend's arm, relieved that she was the only one that had heard Macy's comment.

"It won't kill you to have a little fun, Aud. The pool looks amazing...may I suggest a midnight skinny dip?"

"That's are officially relieved of your best friend duties for the evening!" Audrey laughed.

"Hey, I wouldn't be a very good best friend if I wasn't looking out for your best interests." she said, returning the laughter as she walked towards Karim, who was already waiting by the door.

"They couldn't wait to get out of here." Sergio commented, after his friend and Macy had left.

"I think they have other priorities. Macy said that he must be a pretty good soccer player if he is as good as he is in the bedroom...or something like that. I am sure that is all she thought about throughout dinner." Audrey said, chuckling at the look on Sergio's face.

"Yeah....I didn't need to know that." he said with a cringe.

Audrey laughed. "Sorry. TMI?"

Sergio shook his head in agreement.


"Huh?" she asked.

"It's actually football. Americans call it soccer. You will be tarred and feathered if you are caught calling it soccer here." Sergio said jokingly.

"What's the difference?"

"There isn't a difference and I don't know why Americans call it soccer." he winked.

"Stop doing that." Audrey said, trying to hide the fact that it affected her. Every time he winked at her, her stomach did a somersault.

"Stop doing what? This?" he said as he smiled and winked again.

Audrey just shook her head. His smile made her heart skip a beat. She kind of liked the way he affected her and had to admit, that Jake had never even had this affect on her. Sergio walked over to her and grabbed her hand, leading her out to the patio. It was a beautiful night and he didn't want to waste it. He led Audrey back to the table where the group had enjoyed dinner.

"You sit right here, I will be right back."

Audrey watched as he walked back into the house. She was having a hard time not melting into his arms. The need to be close to him like she was last night was overwhelming, but she feared falling for him more than she already had. She had no clue what her future held and knew that there was a very good chance that after she left Madrid, she may never see him again.

Sergio walked back into the backyard, carrying a small cake, with a single candle burning. Audrey was sure that her heart stopped in that moment. Nobody had ever made her feel this way.

"Happy Birthday, beautiful." he said, setting the cake in front of her. "Make a wish."

Audrey looked at the cake and back to Sergio. Something came over her and in that moment, she knew that no amount of wishes would get her what she desired. Leaning up, she pressed her lips to Sergio's.

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