Chapter 49

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The limousine pulled into line behind the other cars dropping off gala attendees and Audrey began to feel a little uneasy. She really needed this evening to go well. Every important person that was involved with the Real Madrid Foundation from employees, board members, donors, and players would be in attendance. She needed every aspect of the evening to go off without a hitch. Almost as if he had read her mind, understanding the reasoning behind her quietness, Sergio gave her hand a gentle squeeze. He gave her a reassuring smile when she looked into his eyes, causing most of her fears to float away. 

Audrey didn't know what she would do if Sergio wasn't at her side tonight. He had become her rock and she couldn't believe that in the short time that she had known him, he had helped her grow into a brand new person. She was no longer the shy, guarded doormat she had been not too long ago. So much had changed since her mother had passed and all of it was good. Most of the good things, she could thank Sergio for. There was no doubt in Audrey's mind, that Sergio was everything she would ever need to be happy. 

Resting her hand on Sergio's thigh, she placed a gentle kiss to his lips. 

"I love you. Thank you for being here with me tonight. I can't tell you how much it means." She said softly. 

"I couldn't think of anywhere else I would rather be, my love. I love you too." He replied with a wink. 

The car came to a stop, interrupting the couple's moment. Audrey took a deep breath as she waited for Macy and Karim to exit the car. She could already hear what sounded like a million people asking questions and taking pictures of her friend and her fiance' as the stepped out of the car. 

"Are you ready to walk your first red carpet with a hot footballer on your arm?" Sergio asked, again reminding her that she wasn't alone. 

"Hmmm...such an ego you have Mr. Ramos." She giggled. "Actually the question is...are you ready to walk the carpet with me...this is my event after all." She poked him gently in the ribs as she made her comeback.

"Oh yes, of course I am and this is your night. I am just the accessory to your beauty." He said. He quickly captured her mouth, leaving her breathless. 

Daniel cleared his throat, putting a stop to the kiss and urging the couple to exit the car. 

Sergio made his exit, before turning to assist Audrey. As soon as the couple turned, flashbulbs began blinding them and reporters shouted questions, none of which where able to be heard. As they made their way down the rows of people waiting to get a peek at who was arriving, one reporter caught Audrey's attention and began to ask her questions about the various youth programs and what Audrey was hoping to accomplish for the programs during tonight's fundraising event. 

Sergio watched as Audrey spoke to the reporter with ease. She was definitely in her element and would need to put in no effort to win over whomever she came into contact with this evening. A proud smile made it's way to his face. He was indeed the one that was lucky to be here with such a dazzling and brilliant woman on his arm. Audrey didn't need him to be successful, she was a success all on her own, he thought to himself as he continued watching her. More reporters were trying to get close so that they too, could get an interview. Sergio was one hundred percent content to just stand back and let his queen have her moment in the spotlight. She more than deserved it. 


Macy and Karim walked into the ballroom, hand in hand and found their way to the table they would be sharing with Audrey and Sergio, as well as two other players that would be attending with dates. All Macy could think about was the fact that she was starving, until something caught her eye and she thought she might vomit. Caught up in her shock, she didn't realize that she elbowed Karim as hard as she had, until he called out. 

"Ouch, Macy! What the hell?"

All she could do was point. She was trying to suppress the urge to go bounding across the room to drag Jake out of the ballroom. As soon as Karim looked towards where she was pointing, she was afraid that he would beat her to it. 

"You have got to be kidding me." Karim groaned. 

"This is not good. This is not good at all, Benzy." 

"You can say that again. Sergio is going to freak the fuck out."

"Sergio is going to freak out? What do you think Audrey is going to do when she sees him...I should have known he was lying about his reason for being in Columbus. Damn it! What are we going to do? What should we...oh my god...I am going to be sick!" Macy said, turning and searching for the nearest restroom before she took off running. 

"What's wrong with Macy?" Audrey asked, causing Karim to jump. 

"Uhhhh...evening sickness?" He responded, trying not to panic. He needed to think of something quick before Audrey or Sergio saw Jake. Nothing good was going to come from this situation. 

Sergio and Audrey looked at Karim, confused as to why he looked like he was having a panic attack or at the very least a small stroke. Karim wanted to kick himself when he glanced back in the direction where Jake was standing; as Audrey quickly followed his gaze.

" that who I think it is? Oh my god...what in the hell is he doing here?"

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