Chapter 14

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Audrey opened the door to the hotel room to find Macy waiting for her. Her friend sat in the overstuffed chair across from the door and stared directly at her.

"So, Ms. King, it is nearly eleven o'clock. Where, may I ask have you been? I thought for sure you would make an appearance here last night." she asked, grinning back at her friend in a knowing manner.

Audrey just smiled back as she retreated into the bathroom to freshen up.

"Oh no, young lady, I want details. I want every sweet and sweaty detail." Macy yelled, bursting into the bathroom behind Audrey.

"Nothing happened." Audrey lied.

"First of all, I can tell by the glow that is radiating around you that that isn't true. Something definitely happened. Secondly, you can't lie to your best friend. I know everything...including the fact that your hunk, Sergio, was running late for practice this morning. Karim ratted him out. He texted me a while ago and said that Lover Boy was late and when he did come running into the locker room, he had a "just got laid" smile plastered to his face. And he would know....because he was wearing the same smile." Macy laughed. "Which reminds me, you might consider staying away from the table out there...and the least until maid service comes in and disinfects the area." she continued, while motioning outside of the bathroom.

"Gross, Macy."

Audrey continued applying her make-up, glancing at Macy.

"For real though, are you going to fess up or no?"

"If you are so sure you know what happened, then why do I need to confirm it?" Audrey asked, trying to act annoyed, but she was having a hard time stifling her laughter.

"You just confirmed it!" Macy squealed. "But I want details. Like, did you take my advice and go for a midnight skinny dip and get busy in the pool? Was it a situation where neither of you could wait nor control yourselves so he took you on the kitchen counter? Come on, you gotta give me something here?"

Audrey blew out her breath.

"If you must know, it was...I don't know...normal."

"That's it? That's all you're going to give me?"

"I don't wasn't anything you just said. No kitchen counter or pool. He carried me up to his room was....amazing." she glanced at her friend, trying to stop the images of the night before from invading her mind.

"Well I would say it was more than amazing. You can't even put it into words, Aud. And this morning...he was late because it was an equally amazing morning?" she teased.

"That wasn't my fault. Let's just say that Mr. Ramos, is very inviting when showering."


"Did you know that Karim dated Rihanna?" Macy asked.

"Umm no. Did he tell you that?"


"Then how do you know he dated Rihanna?"

"Google my friend. You should try it."

The two girls were enjoying Sergio's pool and a bottle of moscato Audrey had found in the wine cooler by the bar on the patio. It was a beautiful day and they were taking full advantage of it. Macy had given her a hard time for already having access to Sergio's car. Audrey was a little uncomfortable with it, but was just thankful that she had made it to the hotel and back without anything happening. The last thing she needed was to wreck a car that was worth more than what she made in a year.

"Why would I need to Google Sergio?"

"You could learn a lot."

Audrey just shook her head. She didn't feel the need to stalk Sergio on the internet. This was another way that she and Macy were very different. Macy was a professional internet detective.

"What if we just never left?"

Audrey snapped her head around to look at her friend.

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said, what if we stay in Madrid. Like, you know, don't go to the airport tomorrow and just find an apartment or something."

"Are you crazy? Are you drunk...we haven't even finished this bottle of wine?" Audrey teased her friend.

"No. I kinda like it here. Don't you? I mean you are the reason we are here. You may already have a job."

"I doubt I will get the job. It is great here, but I don't think we should just up and move here for no reason."

"I can think of two reasons," Macy said seriously.

"Oh. My. God. Macy Stephens, are you in love? Have you fallen head over heels in love? Is that what this is about?"

"I wouldn't say that I am in love, but Karim is really great. I mean really really great. Don't lie to me, Audrey. I can tell that you have fallen for Sergio too. Last night wouldn't have happened if you didn't feel something for him."

Audrey thought for a second. She couldn't lie to herself. She knew that she had fallen for Sergio, hard. Was that a reason to uproot her life? Just for a man?

"Wow, Macy. You never cease to amaze me."

Before they could continue their conversation, they were interrupted. Sergio walked out into the backyard. Wasting no time, he walked right over to Audrey and kissed her.

"Hello, beautiful."

"Hi." Audrey replied. She smiled, happy that he had returned.

"I see that you guys are enjoying the best pool in Madrid." Sergio said, looking at both women. He let his eyes stop on Audrey, as he took in her light blue, two piece suit. She was definitely an exciting sight to return home to after a long day of training.

"Well the pool is nice, but the view leaves a little something to be desired." Macy added.

"He is on his way. He ran home to change. You should know though, that he sucked in training today. You really shouldn't keep him up so late." Sergio laughed.

"At least he wasn't late." Macy retorted, winking at Audrey.

"Touché. What can I say; I guess blondes are my weakness."

The sound of Macy's phone ringing interrupted the friendly banter. She reached for it and looked at the caller id and immediately, her heart stopped.


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