Chapter 22

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"Come on! Move!" Sergio screamed.

Audrey was set to land in ten minutes and he was still thirty minutes from the airport. Training had ran late and now traffic was at a stand still. Sergio was quickly losing his temper.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!?!" he honked his horn. The line of traffic was beginning to move, but the driver in front of him was on his phone, not paying a bit of attention. He honked again, finally gaining the other drivers attention, causing them to quickly move forward.

"Finally!" He yelled. Traffic started to pick up the pace, but he was still going to be late. He quickly sent her a message so that she wouldn't worry.

Pulling up to the passenger pick up area, he saw Audrey standing there, large suitcases surrounding her. He was glad that he had brought his SUV to pick her up. There would have been no way that her things would have fit in anything else. Throwing the vehicle into park, he jumped out.

"Hey, baby!" He said, walking over and picking Audrey up off of the ground. He spun her around and planted a passionate kiss upon her lips. "I freaking missed the hell out of you."

"I missed you too, but you should stop. People are staring." She giggled.

"Let them stare. I don't care one bit at the moment. I missed you too much to care." He said.

He sat her back on the ground and kissed her again, this time much more passionately.

"Wow, Sergio! That was quite the welcome." Audrey said, catching her breath.

"Baby, there is much more where that came from. Wait until I get you home." He said winking at her and shooting her a crooked smile.

"Well then, what are we doing standing on the sidewalk for?" Audrey answered, raising her eyebrows at him and turning to get into the car.


Pulling up to his house, Sergio quickly got out of the car and went to open Audrey's door. As soon as she stepped out, he pulled her into his arms.

"Did I tell you that I missed you?"

"You did." She answered. Audrey stared up into his dark eyes, feeling a rush of excitement shoot through her.

"Good. Now that we got that cleared up..." He scooped Audrey up and threw her over his shoulder.

"Sergio! My stuff, we have to get my stuff!"

"It can wait. There are more important things to attend to right now." He answered as he headed into the house.

"Sergio! Put me down! Ahhh!" she shrieked, trying to control her laughter.

"I will put you down, I promise, just as soon as I get you where I want you." He replied, giving her behind a gentle swat.


Making it to the top of the stairs, he turned to enter his bedroom. Walking straight across to the bed, he laid Audrey on top of it and lowered himself down onto her covering her body with his own. Finding her mouth, he began to kiss her gently at first. Audrey didn't shy away from his advance, instead running her fingers through his hair, before locking her hands around his neck. She deepened the kiss, her tongue searching for his. The hunger that Sergio felt coming from her, caused a surge of excitement to flow through his entire body. He sat up onto his knees and pulled his shirt over his head. Quickly, he did the same to Audrey, discarding her t-shirt onto the floor beside the bed.

His hands began to explore Audrey's body as the kisses continued. Her soft moans made him shiver with anticipation. Audrey's hands were on their own adventure; as she reached down to begin removing his pants.

"You were right. There are much more important...not to mention bigger...things to attend to." She purred into his ear, her breathing labored. Sergio thought he was going to lose it. He lifted himself slightly, allowing her easier access to complete the task she was set out to do. He quickly undid her jeans and pulled them down her legs, throwing them to join her shirt on the floor. He returned to his place on top of her, where he began kissing her neck, continuing lower, working his way down her body.

Audrey gently pulled on his hair as she reveled in the sensations of his lips and tongue exploring her body, his warm breath bringing goose bumps to the surface of her skin. She was more than ready for him to claim her as his.

"I need you inside me, Sergio"

Sergio wasted no time in fulfilling her request.


"I guess you did miss me as much as you said you did." Audrey laughed, still breathing heavily. She laid her head on his chest, tracing her fingers up and down his torso.

Sergio let out a chuckle.

"I did miss you, that is for damn sure, but that was a plea for forgiveness. I acted like a huge asshole, and that was the last thing that you needed. I am sorry."

"You are more than forgiven. That was a pretty amazing apology, Ramos. Please feel free to do things that warrant an apology daily." She said, smiling up at him.

"Daily huh? I was right; you are definitely going to kill me, but it will definitely be my pleasure to apologize as much as I need to. I will do anything to keep that beautiful smile on that magnificent face." He laughed, returning her smile.

"I am glad I am here. I am especially glad to be here with you, Sergio."

"I am glad you are here too, baby. As long as you're happy, I am happy. Right now though, I am famished. What do you say we go get your stuff unloaded and then go grab some dinner and then I can apologize some more when we get home..."

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