#2- Rocking

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(A/N Thanks for 200 votes! 🎉🎉)

Josh's POV

"What the actual fuck?" The angry boy yelled, leaning towards the strange window. The blonde boy just stared, looking terrified. He had a reason to be. What the fuck was going on?

"Imma go wake the others up." I said, walking back out the door and to the corridor. I knocked loudly on each door, shouting at them to get up. The black door was the first to open, revealing a very tired-looking, short boy.

"Hey." I said, giving him a half smile. He tried to smile back, but he just... kind of... grimaced.

"Uh, hi?." He replied quietly, yawning. "Do you know what's going on?"

"I don't know. Go into the lounge, there are some other guys there." I said, pointing him in the general direction of the door. He nodded tiredly, rubbing his eyes and walking off. I knocked on the doors again, this time louder. The blue door opened, and a terribly skinny-looking blonde boy in a baggy blue jumper appeared.

"Oh, um, hey." He said, looking down and wrapping his arms around his skinny frame.

"Hey. D'you have any clue why you're here?" I asked, too annoyed and confused to be kind.

"Um, I-I think I died..." He whispered, barley loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh, ok." I said, realising that was what happened to the other blonde boy. I heard a door open from behind me. "The other guys here are in the lounge." I said, gesturing towards the door. He nodded and walked off slowly.

"Where the fuck are we?" I heard someone say from behind me. I turned to see a slightly chubby boy with blonde/brown hair. He didn't look happy.

"I don't know. There are some other guys in the lounge through there." I explained, pointing at the door. He nodded and walked over.

"This is fucked." He muttered as he walked. Damn right. Fed up of waiting, I walked to the last door, the yellow one, and swung it open. Inside the bright yellow room, there was a small Indian-looking boy sat in the corner. Rocking.

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