#35- Tazer McDickhead

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*A/N- to those of you who got a little accidental sneak peek of this a few days ago, shhhhhhhh*


Note to self: magical afterlife windows are harder to break than they look.

'Give it up, mate. Throwing a chair at it isn't going to help.' Harry said.

'Sorry, I forgot that you're the expert at fucking portals to Hell or whatever the fuck that is. Twat.' I replied before hurling the now broken chair at the corridor window yet again.

Vikk was still in the living room- I had left him with Simon and Tobi while me and Ethan went and raided our rooms for anything that could be used as a weapon. So far we had gone through a bookcase from Vikk's room, a desk from mine and a few desk chairs from Tobi, Harry and Josh's rooms. The only thing we hadn't gone through is the window.  This was actually pissing me off now.

It had been over an hour since Harry had cut that bullshit device from my neck and Vikk had got shocked. He still hadn't woken up. Tobi had only managed to convince me to sit still until he could find a bandage before I had started to try and break my way out of this fucking mess. When in doubt, smash shit up. Simon had bandaged the 2 inch long cut in the back of my neck pretty well all things considered, but the first aid kit he found in his room didn't have enough supplies to do anything more.

It seemed like the shit in our rooms was all ours- according to the others the layouts were pretty much the same as the rooms back when they were alive, just completely cleared out and changed to a different colour. All our stuff was still there- just buried in a drawer. The walls weren't the only thing to have been given a makeover: all our furniture, clothes, everything was changed to whatever colour our rooms were (except for the outfits we died in; they remained the same. Not that it made much difference to me- don't die in your underwear, kids). For the past few days I had been forced to wander round looking like an absolute cunt in bright pink. Whoever designed this place was a wanker. Why couldn't I have got black like Tobi? I may have looked like an emo but at least it wasn't pink. The others had avoided changing into their other clothes (except Harry- I hadn't actually seen him wear anything other than blue hoodies). Honestly, I wanted them to wear their new twat outfits so I wasn't the only one. It could be worse, at least I didn't have yellow. Who the fuck wears a completely yellow outfit? ((A/N lookin at u spelling bee Tobi, you stylish bastard.))

Shitty fashion was yet another reason to add on to the list of why get out of here. Simon and Tobi had thought it was a bad idea to try and get out: we didn't know what was out there. But we did know what was in here: a bunch of cameras and point bullshit and Tazer McDickhead watching us like some kind of pervert. Although, when I looked into the swirling blackness just beyond my reach, some part of me wanted to take my chances with Tazer McDickhead.

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