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//In front of us appeared a tall man, who was neat, tidy, and dressed head to toe in white.//

Simon's POV

'Who the...?' Tobi started. 'You know what? I'm not even going to ask.'

Josh stood in front of me protectively, and Joshua stood in front of him. Cute, but a little bit fucking annoying. J moved towards me too, but Joshua's glare was enough to send him away. I tried to shoo them both away, but they didn't budge. Fucking brilliant. The new guy in the group didn't even react, just stared at us. I looked him up and down- he was tall and skinny with blond hair, dressed in a white suit, a little white rose in his lapel and everything. He adjusted his cufflinks gracefully before speaking.

'What are you all doing dressed in those dreadful rags? Shameful, really.' He said, raising an eyebrow.

'What, you brought us all to some other fucking dimension to give us fashion advice?' JJ asked, furious.

'Not another dimension, darling.' He waved his hand and suddenly I was back chained to the desk, JJ beside me. 'See?' The man's voice said, although I couldn't see him. The details of the room around me gradually got foggy before they blurred completely and I was back with Josh and the others. 'Just a little mind game, hun.' The blond explained. 'So, the Red uniforms?'

'Disguises.' JJ said. The man spun and faced JJ, pegging him as either the leader or the most talkative (or obnoxious, whatever). He was one of those things.

'Ah, disguises. I'm sure your excellent spy skills are what got most of you chained to... what are they, desks?' The man said, staring into nothing as if he could see something there. I looked down, embarrassed.

'Hey, blondie.' J said to the man. 'Any explanation for me and these two idiots now being... like this?' He asked, gesturing between Josh, Joshua and himself.

'I deal with souls, honey, not bodies.'

'Why are we here, anyway, twinkletoes?' J added.

'Ah, that. I need some help.' The blond said, pouting.

'Wait, we're not doing anything for you until you tell us who the fuck you are.' JJ said.

'My name is Michael. Overused, I know. What can I say, mummy and daddy weren't the most creative pair. I'm a White.'

'Guessed that much.' Tobi said, snorting.

'No, not white, White. You know how you have the big bad Reds, and the geeky little Greys? I'm another kind of folk. From, you know...' He pointed upwards. 'Upstairs.'

'What, heaven?' Tobi asked in wonder.

'Not quite, darling. The Christian idea of heaven is... a little off. You have the whole eternal peace in paradise thing going on, but it's less, you know.' He waved his hand in circles. 'Jesus-y.'

'So no Jesus?' Harry inquired.

'Come find out for yourself, hun. Just do me one little favour and you'll be walking right on through the pearly gates.'

'So, you'll get us into heaven just from a favour? I call BS.' I replied.

'Not a favour, per se. More of a... challenge.' Michael said.

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