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(I was tagged by Forever2004abby YAY THX)

#1: Do you support gays?

Of course I do! I don't really know my sexuality but I'm definitely not straight.

#2: Aarlnly Jefflyn or Travlyn?


#3: DC or Marvel?

I barely know the difference TBH. (I probably just triggered half of you)

#4: Captain America or Iron Man?

Again, I barely know the difference. (Damn Daniel, back at it again with triggering everyone!

#5: What languages do you speak?

English (obviously), a little German and very little Spanish. I also speak Phandom, if that counts!

#6: Do you think creepypastas are evil?

No, they're just cool!

#7: Are you a herp a derp?

Yes, I am a herp a derp and an awkward potato.

#8: Cats, dogs or both?

Dogs, 100%. Cats are the spawn of Satan! (Unless they're wearing a cute hat, then it's ok.)

#9: Favourite anime?

I don't really watch anime. (I just triggered about half of you again XD)

#10: Favourite song?

Either Heathens by tøp, Smoke And Mirrors or Lambo Refulled.

#11: Favourite sport?


#12: Nastiest thing you ever ate?

Your mum.

#13: Favourite colour?

Orange probably.

#14: Favourite Food?

Don't really care to be honest.

#15: Favourite drink?


#16: Favourite quote?

*Spins round on chair* Hi again. It's me.

#17: Favourite band?

I don't really have one, although probably tøp.

#18: Favourite show?

I never watch TV, my annoying little sister always hogs it. 😡😡😡😡😡

#19: The stupidest song you have ever heard?

'That's what makes you beautiful' by 1D. IT IS CANCER!

#20: Special skill?

Does being special count?

#21: Favourite game?

I don't really have one, but probably Plague Inc. Here's Vikk's video on it:

I think that really shows how non-psychotic I am...

The 13 people I tag are:

Astronovia (Who wrote the smut in this book. She is bæ!)


darkkskies (Who made the cover for 'The Eyes Of An Angel')



ew-people (who is literally EVERYWHERE!)


_ughsidemen_ (Y'all should go check out their stories, they're really good!)

Emilytheminecrafter (I loosely inspired this book off hers, if you like this book, I recommend 'Illness!)



sidewomanhbu ('Then There Were 6' is probably the saddest Sidemen story I've ever read, I would go read it!)

nicole_xix (You should read her book 'Asylum', it's really good!)


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