Food Poisoning

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Sofia had woken up by the time we were called in, she stayed cuddled on my lap, her little body sweating in the summer dress I had stuck her in before we left the house that afternoon. She eyed the doctor nervously as the blonde woman entered the room.

"Hi there, Sofia. My name is Doctor Robinson. I see you're feeling a little sick." She sat down at her computer and typed in her username and password, opening up Sofia's file from her last doctors office. I nodded my head, running my hands through her soft hair, kissing her softly.

"I found her like this morning, she hasn't been able to keep anything down, even water and medication. She had come crackers in the car here that she said felt good on her stomach, but other than that, its been constantly throwing up or running to the toilet to go to the bathroom." I explained to the doctor. She wrote it down on her file and then moved to examine her. She had Sofia follow a stick with her eyes, flex her muscles, she looked through her ears and throat. Soon the appointment was coming to a close and she had a diagnosis. 

"Looks like little Sofia here has a common case of food poisoning. Nothing to worry about, keep her resting and get lots of fluids into her and she should be okay by the end of the week. Good luck, let us know if it isn't gone by Monday morning." She said her goodbyes and we were walked out to the desk where I paid the fees and then brought my half asleep child back to the car, thanking God it wasn't something horribly wrong with her.  


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