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Soon after going inside, I had her signed up for Tuesday ballet classes and Friday acro classes. Sofia was jumping for joy as we left the dance studio. Her first class was tonight, the Tuesday night ballet class and she was overly excited. In the car all she did was play with her ballet slippers and the other things we bought, telling me all about how fun it was going to be.

I unlocked the door to our apartment and she went running inside to the calendar. She marked off another day on her count, 3 days until her birthday, she was happy about having her friends over and getting to spend time with them at dance. Her lungs where a little bit tight and you could hear her wheeze, so I grabbed the mask and inhaler from my purse, helping her up it on and take the two puffs of medication. She was fine as soon as the medication entered her little lungs.

The afternoon flew by, we played blocks and made a pillow fort in the living room while her tights and leotard were in the washer, we went down to the park and she got herself unbelievably disgusting in the sand and dirt down there. Sofia discovered she could do a handstand (sort of) on the trampoline and some of the other girls where showing her how to do other tricks, I got some amazing pictures.

By four o'clock, the bath was filling while she brushed her teeth and I started supper. She stripped off her dirty shorts, t-shirt and underwear, putting them in the dirty laundry bin like I tell her to do when she changes. She sat in the tub, I checked on her every now and then while I fried up some chicken, veggies and potatoes, one of her favourite meals.

When that was finished, I headed to the bathroom while it cooled down on the stove and washed up my little munchkin, washing out her long dirty blonde hair. She really needed a haircut, another thing on the to do list.

She climbed out, getting on her robe and wearing a towel on her hair "just like mommy does" My gosh shes adorable. I got her settled at the table with her tray of food, a cup of apple juice and the TV turned on to her favourite music channel. She sung out the lyrics as I ate beside her, staring at her beautiful little face. She was going to be a beautiful teenager some day, but I will treasure her younger moments.

Sofia insisted that we do something special with her hair, so I fish tail braided a piece of her hair, placing the rest of her hair in a tight ballet bun I learned to do, thank you Internet and then wrapped the small braid around the bun. I bobby pinned back her bangs so they wouldnt get into her eyes and helped her into a pair of white underwear. She picked out her tights, light pink ones (they had an option of black or pink) and a black leotard (they had an option of black or pink leotard as well)

She pulled her legs threw the tights and fit her toes into the right places all by her self, refusing to get help from me. I helped her into the short sleeved leotard, pulling it over her shoulders. She put on the little ballet shoes, slipping her brown uggs over top and stood infront of me with this big, proud smile on her face.

After hair spraying her hair, slipping on a sweater and getting my own shoes ready, I allowed her to put on a little bit of pink lipstick before making her pose for some pictures.

In the car, we listened to Katy Perry and she asked me every second "Are we there yet?"

"No, Sof, we will be there in a few minutes." I replied for the fifth time. She groaned, looking out the window. Soon we approached the big dance studio and she unbuckled her seat belt as soon as I parked. I got her out from the car, since the doors are child locked, and took her hand, making out way across the busy parking lot.

Inside, tones of kids where putting their sweaters and shoes in little cubbies, so Sofia followed, running into a few of her friends from the apartments and some she didnt know, she was an instant hit from what I could tell, she was entertaining all the other little girls and boys here for the 5:30 ballet class.

A younger looking woman, maybe 24 years old came out dressed in leotards and tights, clapping her hands to get the children's attention. The other moms and dads talked among themselves while I stood there alone, I didnt want to be a bug, Im not a dance mom or not yet atleast so I have no idea what to do.

"Hey kiddos, you all know me but we have a new face in our class today, her names Sofia, and parents, her moms name is Demi." SHe pointed me and my daughter out, the kids gave her big smiles, still chatting with my kid and the parents shook my hand, welcoming me.

The door to the studio was opened and the kids filled into studio A while I followed the other parents into the room next to it. The mirrors where one way in the studio, I could see in but they couldnt see us. It was awesome. I sat down on the couch, putting her bag down at my feet and placing my phone on my lap.

I couldnt really hear the lesson, but soon my baby girl was on the bar and following the teachers instructions. I recorded bits and pieces of the things they where doing, she seemed very happy to be in this class. The couch dipped next to me and I turned to face a woman with light brown hair. She helt two cups of coffee and handed me one. I took it from her and smiled.

"Which ones yours?" At the moment, my daughter was at the front of the bar, watching the teacher with her eyes wide, searching for information and her tongue at the corner of her mouth, just peaking out a tiny bit. I pointed her out, thanking the woman for the coffee, I hadnt even seen the coffee machine and snack table.

"Shes adorable, mines the boy at the back, I have no idea how he got into ballet, but he loves it." I peaked around and looked over at the little boy at the back, brown hair matching his mothers and big green eyes, hes so cute.

"Hes so cute, awe. Boys have always been good ballet dancers, I think its awesome he likes to dance." I told her.

"I think it will be good for him someday, but if not, as long as he has fun. Hes seven, how olds your little one?"

"Going to be six in a few days" I grinned, happy to talk about my child.

"Six? Shes so tiny!" She exclaimed. I nodded, sighing slightly but shaking it off.

"Shes so tiny for a six year old and nothing I have done has changed that." You could see her ribs poking out from the tight uniform and it was horrible to see, the cuts on her arms from playing looked like I was abusive and neglectful, but I am certainly not.

"Im Terry, by the way, I think you live in the complex next to mine." I knew she was recognizable.

"Demi, and I thought I saw you somewhere before." We continued to talk until finally, the class was let out and in came running the kids. My daughters forehead had a thin layer of sweat across it and she was wearing a huge smile, massive.

"Mommy it was so much fun!"


Long update, but who even reads this anymore? like no one.

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