Bedless {Kellic}

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Surf to me
Whatever you want
And whenever your breezing through
Keep tearing my world apart
As we lost the light
Wet cash on the bar

"Kellin! Where's the light?" I whined, my arm around my boyfriends waist. We were stumbling out of a bar, both of us drunk and trying to find my car. Of course we weren't succeeding, but it never hurts to try.

The bar we were out was on the side of a cliff, with the raging waves of the Pacific some 12,000 feet below. Kellin and I were dancing and running around dangerously close to the edge, the waves pummelling the base of the cliff where jagged sharp rocks could be seen.

"Vic! I can fly! Vic!" Kellin cried and I turned from where I had let him go to see him standing on his tippy toes at the very edge, eyes wide and face beaming. "Be careful Kelly!" I called and he rolled his eyes, leaning further out.

From there everything went into slow motion

She fell victim to a violent wave
And died on the jagged rocks

Kellin slipped, falling backwards arms outstretched and lips wide. I ran to the edge of the cliff as fast as I could, leaning to grab him. Of course it didn't work, and I watched my beautiful Kellin fall through the air, screaming and thrashing until the waves swallowed him. His head would bob up occasionally, and I could see it slamming against the rocks.

The only sounds I could hear were my screams and the sound of Kellin's voice as he cried for help.

The funeral came up, and I went slowly, reluctantly. Kellin's parents were there, his mom an inconsolable mess and his fathers face twisted in rage. I walked over, my eyes still flowing with tears as I looked into his moms blue green eyes, so like her sons.

"I-I'm sorry." I muttered my fists and jaw clenched. "V-Vic.." His mom whimpered, just before his dad's fist collided with my face.

All the rage and spit
So why am I the one falling apart?

My brother Mike ran up, escorting me out of the home and to my car, tears streaming freely as a memory of Kellin came flooding back to me, in vidid and sharp detail.

"All you do is get drunk and sleep! I'm fucking sick of it Vic!" Kellin screamed, and I rolled my eyes, head pounding. "Like your any better." I spat bitterly, his eyes wideneing.
"How dare you?!" He screamed and I jumped up, eyes blazing.
"How dare I?! How dare you?! You should be worshipping the ducking ground I walk on despite my habits! I fucking recused you! You'd be more pathetic than you are now if I hadn't come around." I bellowed, and instantly his eyes began watering. "Kells. Shit I'm sorry!" I tried to apologise as tears feel freely. He then smiled tears still falling.

"I guess you regret me."
-flashback over-

It never stops then
With tears in your eyes
You smiled dressed in coppertone
Tan lines
Oh oh I hope you don't
Regret me

I sat in the car, staring at the space Kellin would have occupied. It was almost like I could still see him, still hear his voice head tilted back as he sang along to the radio, sunlight glinting in his ebony hair.

Let's go and play
Those games
You like

"Viccy! I wanna go out!" Kellin whined, head tilted adorably. I chuckled and took a swig of my beer, getting up and stretching. I looked back at the boy on my bed, shirtless and covered by a sheet, his black hair stuck to his face by swear, cheeks flushed and lips swollen.

He looked so perfect. So beautiful.

So alive.

I shook my head, going to the patio of our apartment, tilting back the bottle of Jack in my hand. Letting the burning liquid soothing the pain of loosing the love of my life.

Why the fuck
Am I falling

I pulled the blade across my wrist again, in the same place trying my best to go deeper than I ever had before. As I began bleeding heavier, I could see Kellin, hair soaked and sticking to his head, clothing torn, blood running down his beautiful face.

"Vic! Vic! No! Stop please this isn't the way!" He cried tears falling as he tried to grab the blade, his hand simply floating through it.

"I love you Kellin."

And it woke me up like a heart attack When you talk in your sleep
I'll be there to slow your breath

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