When I Get Home Your So Dead {Joshler}

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"Morning sleeping beauty." A voice whispered, and my eyes shot open. The voice didn't belong to my fiancé Tyler, so I rolled over and was met with a shock of dark brown hair and eyes. "B-Brendon?" I stuttered, and my friend chuckled nodding. I looked down as noticed I was lying there completely naked, and shot up from the bed.

The words are coming
I feel terrible
Is it typical
For us to end like this?

"We didn't?" I asked, and again he chuckled and nodded. "Fuck." I muttered and ran a hand through my short red hair. I quickly gathered up my clothing and got dressed, answering my phone as Tyler called me for the seventh time since id stormed out of the apartment, tired of fighting.

"Where the hell are you?" His best friend Rayven screeched into my ear, and I winced. "On my way home. I was at a hotel." I lied quickly, and she scoffed. "Get the fuck home before I come drag your ass here." She snapped, then hung up.

I quickly reached out apartment, and as soon as I walked in Tyler ran up to me, his big brown eyes full of tears. "Josh." He breathed, and I hugged him tightly, guilt bubbling up and clawing at my throat. "Hey Ty." I whispered, and he kissed my cheek. "I'm so sorry. So fucking sorry." He muttered and I shook my head. "Don't apologise BabyBoy." I smiled, and then Rayven cleared her throat from the doorway.

"You were at a hotel? Cool, I didn't know hotels gave out free hickeys." She smirked, and my eyes widened. "What?" Tyler asked, and she walked over yanking down the collar on my shirt. She handed me a mirror and I saw a dark purple hickey on my neck, as well as scratch marks leading to my back. "Who was it?" He asked softly, and I looked to the ground. "Uh. Brendon." I muttered, and he hung his head.

"Of course. Get your stuff and leave." He muttered and a tear fell down his face as he turned. "Ray, make sure he gets out okay." He told his friend and she nodded. I gathered my things, and headed to the front door. As I walked I could hear Tyler crying, and my heart clenched. "I'm sorry Ty." I said, then walked out, bumping into Rayvens sister.Raine. "Hey Josh!" She chirped and I gave her a half smile.
"Whoa what's wrong?" She asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I lost him." I said simply, then collapsed in tears in the road, my friends presence the only thing holding me together

The moral this time is
Girls make boys cry and

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