Aircatcher {Joshler}

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"I don't fall slow like I used to I fall straight down." Josh Dun sighed, his mocha coloured eyes pointed to the ceiling instead of to the brunette next to him. "You've stolen my air catcher, that kept me safe and sound." Tyler sighed from his side, where he was looking at Josh's profile. Silence fell over the two, and Josh turned on his side to look at Tyler, taking in his full lips, always slightly chapped, his slight stubble and short brown hair. "My parachutes will guide me safely to ground." Josh sighed, and Tyler turned to face him, a small smile on his lips. "But now the cord's not working." He laughed, and Josh nodded, a smirk settling on his lips. "And I see you staring me down."

I will try to avoid
Those eyes

"I think you would beat the moon in a pretty contest." Josh grinned as Tyler stood up and threw a shirt on over his head smoothly.
"And the moon just happened to be the very first thing that I missed." Tyler said as he turned back, a smile on his lips before he turned looking around the room. "I was doing fine on my own and there wasn't much I lacked." Tyler said, nostalgia clogging his throat as Josh came up behind him, arms going around his waist. "But you've stolen my air catcher, and I don't know if I want it back." He said, and kissed the back of the younger males neck.

"I won't fall in love with falling, I will try to avoid those eyes." Tyler sighed as he turned, and Josh nodded.

"Ty, I'm not sure I want to give you tools that can destroy my heart." Josh said, and Tyler raised a eyebrow. "I just don't say what you want to hear." Tyler said back, and Josh nodded once again, unable to sort out his emotions. "I'll write my fears." He was able to say, and Tyler shook his head. "Josh, I don't believe in talking just to breathe." He grinned, and the older let out a small chuckle. "Ty, I'm falling selfishly."

I won't fall in
Love with falling
I will try to avoid
Those eyes

"Now I'm here to give you words..." Josh began, and Tyler kissed him softly, shaking his head. "As tools that can destroy my heart."

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